By Jute Jireh Saayman on Thursday, 26 September 2019
Category: 2019


While we were in Lima(Peru) we had to drive to Jicamarca with a public bus just about everyday. It's about an hour's drive depending on the days traffic . On our way there Pastor George would tell us to sing a song. We would sing "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" in English and Spanish. After the song he would point to one of the team members and ask that person to share a testimony. That was quite an interesting experience to stand up in a bus full of people and start sharing. This continued untill we got to Jicamarca. In Jicamarca we would walk to the church, pray, take a couple of new testament Bibles and head out into the streets. A lot of houses is built on a mountain which is essentially made of dust. There we would knock on people's doors and if they are willing to listen we share the Gosple with them and give them a Bible.

I want to share about a spesific "house visit" that really encouraged me. Laura, Daniël, Aaron (all Peruvians) and myself went out one day. Luckily Laura and Daniël can speak English. We knocked on a door and a young boy (12 years old) opened the door. Daniël started speaking with him and then Laura had a very deep conversation with him. I didn't understand anything and didn't even know what the conversation was about. I saw the boy was very shy and didn't look Laura in the eye when he answered any of her questions. After about an hour Laura told me the boy decided that he wants to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. By the way, the boy's name is Juan Jesús (John Jesus)! How cool is that!  I was so excited that he decided to accept Jesus and we prayed with him. After that I felt that I wanted to tell him that he is now part of our family in Christ and that we are so happy to have him as our brother!

When we walked away I asked Laura why he looked so sad the whole time. She said he wasn't sad he was just really shy because he doesn't have any brothers or sisters, which is very strange for a Peruvian family to only have one child. And when I heard that I was so happy that i told him that he is my brother and that he has many brothers and sisters in Christ. At that moment I did not know that it was God who was prompting me to tell Jaun that. I was filled with joy to know that God speaks to me even in small ways like that. He is using me without me even realizing it all the time.

I am so thankfull and in awe of what God can do.

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