Our journey back to South Africa was undoubtedly paved by the hand of the Father. The moment we heard the seriousness of Corona, we as teams were called to meet together at a central place in Brazil - a house in the mountains near a very small town. A local church from Sao Paulo blessed us with the opportunity to stay there in order to regroup. We all met up, Hidden Paths, Distant Nations and Work your Way - we knew we would see each other through the year, never knew it would be this soon, it was a challenge to navigate what was going on as plans changed hourly. Through this all we did experience that the time there was a time of reunifying the team as a whole. At first it was an adjustment to return from the small team to the whole group of 20, but we quickly realised how much we needed each other in the time to come.


We spent about 5 days in the "safe-house" at Thaba Thinga, a small coastal village in Brazil. When Leadership made the decision to send us all back to South Africa we were filled with mixed emotions and crazy thoughts, frustrated, upset, disappointed and others in a way relieved. Our hearts wanted to go on with the journey but we realised that it was time to go back.


When the decision was made for the team to make our way back we struggled to get flights to South Africa. Through prayer, fasting and God working a miracle we all had a seat on a flight back home within two days.


The journey all the way back to South Africa was one big adventure, chaotic, uncertain and well out of our realm of control. From two masked men picking us up in the middle of the night with two busses taking us all the way to Sao Paulo, sleeping in a church, rushing to the airport, canceled flights and finding new ones again, layovers and finding a bakkie stored with food for the next 14 days, it was one wild ride. We made it back safely to South Africa and headed for Natures Valley where we faced two weeks of self-quarantine amidst the lockdown. The time there was used to process what had all happened and to seek God amongst this all.


Our hearts were grateful that none of us were sick, a miracle in itself. The time of lockdown started just after quarantine - it was a time of confusion, tears, laughter, frustration, mourning, reunification and self-discovery. It was bad and it was good, most importantly God was in everything. We had debrief from leaders from the Cape via Skype and it was good to work through everything. It was good for us to see the process of improvement taking place in ourselves. It is a process every day to stay focused on what Abba has in mind for us in this season. We now just take it day by day and discover God in everything, if anything we have learnt he gives us our daily bread - He wakes us up each morning with enough grace and mercy for the day ahead and tomorrow, He'll do it again.


While in Natures Valley we were uncertain as to what the next step was, we could not cross provincial borders and it seemed as if we were going to have to sit tight! Then yet another testimony was added to this incredible story as the De Kocks invited us to work on their farm for the remainder of lockdown Unsure how we would get there when we were told a bus company had sponsored a school bus to come and fetch us and bring us to De Doorns. We are now here and are serving and working on a grape-farm for the next period of time. Our hosts are loving, God fearing and welcoming, the community has pulled together and showered us abundantly in blessings for which we are humbled, grateful and awestruck. We work in the vineyards during the mornings and there are a few building projects around the farm and in the afternoons we have children's ministry. God is good to us in so many ways and He took us all around the world just to show us the nation we have. We are well, at times it has been tough but we are aware of the immense privilege we have been afforded and how Gods hand of guidance has been undeniable every step of the way. In these times of uncertainty we are so reminded that an uncertain future is held in the hands of a certain God, He is never caught by surprise, we have been so blessed at the opportunities afforded to us, we hope to go out into the nations again, please pray with us and for us - God bless you.