By Abigail Engle on Thursday, 06 April 2017
Category: Abigail Engle

I belong.

The past few weeks have been crazy busy, but at the same time a great period of growth and being stretched. I learnt so much and God was just so present, showing me that He is with me no matter what, but it was tough. Here is a little something that sums up what was happening inside.

Frustrated and angry with no one but myself and still blaming You. I struggle with my powerfully, doubtful mind that at times rudely shoves faith and belief out the door like an unwelcomed guest. I found myself screaming at You, until my voice could no more, but still it was my mind that would not shutup. A deafening noise that I could not drown, all it did was leave me raw and quiet. Silence can become overbearingly loud, even the word screams for attention like a zit on a blemish free face. But one morning, watching the sunrise with You on the beach made all of it fade away, You calmed the storm inside. Jesus!!! You painted the sky for me by making beautiful colours emerge complimenting the clouds, by the marvellous simplicity of the blue water gently kissing the pink sky at the horizon. The powerful roar of the waves crashing on the shore, is Your soothing voice comforting me. I was at peace and realised I am Yours. You are now my oxygen and I am dying to breath.

I am falling inlove, head over heels for You, Lord!!! For a while I could not even think about Jesus being a father to me, but He restored that completely. These past few weeks, a warm fatherly presence hung around me, petrified as I didn't entirely know what it was, I ran, not that it helped because He always catches me with His warm embrace and brings me back. I am chosen. I am adopted. My price has been paid and God sealed it with a ring of infinite promise. He loves me and I belong.

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