By Angelo Petersen on Tuesday, 05 April 2011
Category: Angelo Petersen

Guatemala! Gracias!

My time in Guatemala has drawn to an end! What a wonderful time it has been.

Let me share a bit of a testimony with you.


I have met a guy in the local church and started talking with him. And in that time we as a group have gone through difficult times with money for food. And the Lord has just used this man to bless me financially so that I can bless the team.

Let me share a little bit of Guatemala with you:

As you all know in Guatemala we are working very hard. We have managed to rebuild a wall broken down by mudslides, did landscaping on a very difficult terrain (looks like you are climbing Kilimanjaro), some of the guys fell but didn’t get hurt badly. We also worked on digging a well which would provide water for the whole community at Pastor Ben’s house.

 We also had a lot of teachings with Pastor Ben. It was awesome to learn so much from his own live experienced his amazing knowledge of the Holy Bible.

We also had the opportunity to go out into the community and do some evangelism and I have met a young man that works in a shop that sells children toys. He understands English but can’t speak any English. I then asked the Lord to help me to communicate with him and wonderful what the Lord can do...Who could though that He would use Google Translate as me and this young man’s communication medium. So we used this to talk for more than two and a half hours about the Lord our Saviour and therefore the Lord must get all the glory and the honour.

The Guatemala experience was truly amazing. It has truly set a high standard for what God can do for the rest of the year.

“Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor, will be ignored in their own time of need” Proverbs 21:13

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