Israel .. It was so awesome to be in this place, really it was! It was crazy expensive but it is such a beautiful country. We saw so much and learnt quite a bit about the Jewish culture and about where Jesus was and all that stuff. We did gardening and went on small tours.
I want to take this opportunity to apologize to my mother for me always being so lazy and not helping in the garden or around the house because I actually really enjoyed it! Sorry mom! I'm so grateful that I could grow closer to my team and enjoy their company so much that I feel uncomfortable if one of them is missing from a "team meeting"!
I love nuns, but they make you work harder than you think you can. We dug out a cave, well we made it bigger! It was just jackhammering the rock then carrying the rock out! It got to a stage where when I closed my eyes all I saw was me shoveling rock and pickaxing the wall.
It's also really funny how the whole week in Bethlehem the guys slept on the floor and my mattress has a slow leak and my pillow, so I would go to sleep with a perfectly comfortable position and then wake up about 4hours later with my body forming around the floor and my neck spasming! Then when we got to a bed I couldn't sleep because it was so uncomfortable!
Ahh I almost forgot we swam in the Dead Sea!! Ahh it was legit, we also camped in an abandoned gas station which was flipping cool.. It felt like we were the only humans on this planet( even though there was tourists that would walk through every now and then) then we hitchhiked to the sea of Galilee. The first day went well, the second day we walked the last couple of Kilometers, haha, but it was worth it.
I even tried milking a cow but it kept sprinting away (I definitely wasn't scared of it ramming me with its horns ) it was a wild cow.... It had crazy eyes !
It's just a blessing to have these experiences and to see all the different sides of my team mates !! So stoked!