By Austin Wesson on Friday, 29 July 2016
Category: Austin Wesson



Another unplanned country but it was the most liberating time I've had in sometime. Not working to hard physically so I had time to work on my mental state, like where I was with God and what's going on my life that I need to look at with his help, I found a book that I had as a youngling and it was about living for the kingdom after we die and how the stuff of earth is worthless. The fear of God is what I'm striving for !

I didn't know but in this country God started a great work In me, he was telling me that I have given him so much of my life but I haven't given him everything, and that he wasn't my main focus but other things were my idols and I was t focused on changing in love but in self !

I was journeying already there on selfishness and self worship but that was broken in Macedonia, obviously I'm still not perfect in that area I'm just more aware of what's happening there ! I got to spend a lot Of time with the hosts and the children, It was really special to be apart of their lives, although they are a bit younger than me I still learnt a lot about how respecting your parents and loving your siblings is something that really pleases God.

There was physical work which I thoroughly enjoyed ! We made the best fence yet around their pool ! I was very satisfied with our work.

There was this really funny moment the one day, I think it was when we had just finished the fence.. Jason and I looked at each other and we had our satisfied faces on we pointed out how solid this fence is and how long it will take before it gets wrecked, then we decide that we should jump over but I thought like because it's quite high, like above the average jumping without your hands height that we would use our perfectly function hands! But Jason had a different idea ! He all of a sudden started running and then jumps head first over this fence ! While in mid air I think he realized that he has just done something so stupid, he makes a frightful noise and then immediately turns and actually lands perfectly on his soft butt ! There was a moment of shocked silence while we all waited to hear his cry of pain but all we heard was this laugh and then we all started laughing. It was something out of an action movie !

I also got to spend an amazing time opening up to the host which took time for our whole team to listen to our stories and help us through some things ! It was special to share so much to someone that made me feel really loved and how he showed that he genuinely cares!

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