By Carla Bosman on Saturday, 05 April 2014
Category: Carla Bosman

Intentionally living in Cuba


Our team went for our last two bowls of R2 ice cream and quickly passed our room in the church before we walked to Besaida's house for the last supper with our Cuban friends. By the time we were already a bit late (not by cuban standards though) and we tried to pick up the pace just a little bit when a lady stopped Keneilwe asking for money. This is not strange as it was obvious that we were foreigners, and foreigners usually have a lot of money. Somehow this was the very first time I felt I should give her something...only problem is that I didn't have any money left either. She said in very broken English "Problem baby. Need food. You have?" And we replied in very broker Spanish "Yo tengo nada. Lo siento" (I have nothing, sorry) As we started walking away I gave her one last apologetic look and then I realized: I don't have any money or food to give you, but I'll give you what I have. So I quickly called Keneilwe back, asked the lady for her and her baby's name and asked "Puedo resar por tu?" (Can I pray for you?) we laid hands on her in the middle of the bustling street and just prayed God's blessing over her life. 

This whole time in Cuba I've been challenged with finding a balance between letting go and trusting God; and living an intentional life. And I learned that these are two different things that should not appose each other in your life. You can live intentionally in everything you do, and still trust fully that God will work through that so that His Name may be glorified. 
This is only one of the many things I learned in Cuba. Since God blessed us with a lot of time to do Bible study and listen to teachings, we used it to the fullest and God definitely used his Word and each other to disciple and teach us. 
We saw God's hand in the kindness, love and hospitality of all our Cuban friends. We saw his beauty in old buildings, friendly smiles and astounding mountain-top views. We felt God's presence in worship and dancing with street bands. We experienced his comfort in encouraging and opening up to other teammates. And we experienced His peace when sitting on a rooftop, watching the sun rise over the whole of Santiago and knowing that God is busy working in Cuba, and nothing will stop Him.
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