As I am writing this We are on a shuttle on our way to Bonfim which is on the border of Brazil and Guyana. We just got of the boat a few days ago and starting traveling towards Guyana.This is where we leave Brazil and all its diversity. As I look out the window it has the feel of deep Africa. Dry and open. A big contrast to the Amazon we experienced a week ago. That goes for the cities in Brazil as well. Diverse. So many cultures and different ways of doing things. It is a ever changing landscape which sort of matches what is going on on the inside. As I travel I find myself changing. The agents of change being the local people, landscapes, decisions, and team life to name but a few. I find myself thinking of things I love and miss back home like the certainty of having a place where I belong. A place that I call home. So often we just want to get away from everything and soon realize that home is where the heart is. This is what I'm staring in the face. My heart. I am reminded of people who love me, adventures a had with friends, a family...and this makes me realize how much I take for granted. We become so used to our surroundings that we forget to thank God for what we have. Even when we were on the Amazon River I got use to my surroundings after a while and had to remind myself of where I am and that I just saw pink dolphins surfacing for air next to the boat. Brazil made me rediscover my heart. And this is what I'm grateful for.