More on Zinder and Tanout
A reply from a friend on a last news letter encouraged me to write again. I am so far behind with my update it will be hard to catch up.
Our next visit in the district was to a village called Guiduigir about 100 km east of Zinder.
We showed the J_sus film at the market square. A large crowed gathered and the people listen intently, we also had a amplifier and the sound traveled far and clear above the generator noise. People sat in front of their houses and shops far away, the projector screen is also of that type the the images can be seen on both sides.
After the film the message was explained but now one came forward, but the name of J_sus will be remembered, and we trust the L_rd that he will build his ch_rch there.
The Sunday morning we had ch_rch at the p_stors house, visited the local chiefs and it was time to head back home to Zinder.
Our 3rd sup> trip was to Tanout, surrounding wells and further north to Aderbissniat.
Arriving at the ch_rch late afternoon we were welcomed by the p_stor and local inhabitants.
It was not long then we pr_yed for the sick. There a man heard the g_spel and gave his life to Ch_ist. He was suffering from a skin condition and had a bad eye. He was healed from the skin condition.
Later that evening we showed the J_sus film but there where very few people attending and the sound gave constant issues. Then it was time for another night under the african stars. The following morning we had interactive bi_le study to encourage a simple ch_rch fellowship to show that its not only the pastor who must do the teaching but that everyone can participate in a group discussion.
It was then time to pack the Land Cruisers and head of on the first dessert run.
Till next time