By Elmarié Jooste on Saturday, 20 February 2016
Category: Elmarie Jooste

A Second Hand Paradise

A Second Hand Paradise

I came here as Me, as Myself, as I, and i'm leaving with a desire for me to be so filed with the Holy spirit so that people can  only see the Christ in me. Even if you never get to know my name. I will love you .
To make a perfect clay sculpture, water is used for smoothing out the rough edges...Thank you Jesus for being the perfect artist at work, using my tears of all emotions to perfect all the edges to become an image of You.  
May I write these words to Glorify the Father and the Son, 
The two months of training just makes so much sense. We had opportunities (sometimes forced opportunities) to build lifetime friendships and see Jesus in fellow students, their inviting eyes, loving arms raised up to heaven, the people God handpicked for this journey.  At first I struggled to find my space. But once again the 'i' and 'me' in that sentence reveals the problem.  Wow,  the power of humility. In the start I missed home.. the idea of 'home ' became an confusion. Home is where the heart is, but on Global Challenge where our hearts go we make a home. 
When I reflect on training the thought that pops up first is- SURVIVAL WEEKEND- Yes. Survival Weekend, not even a famous author can put that in words. So a Friend said I looked like a 'hobo' Barbie- I will not get offended. As a result of being left in a bush for 4 days with nothing, dirt became my identity.  The one thing I could cling to was my diamond earings, only thing on me that was still shining. They just had this way of making me feel better, making up for not bathing. I refused to take them off. Okay I did once to clean my nails. Survival also consisted of tough desisions- yellow shaded stream water or dehydration. I chose dehydration and the regret was major. Just like I regret thinking jelly babies makes dog food tastes better. I have so much sympathy for my dogs.  But in all that- the late night fire activated deep things in all of us, the testimonies of how God works in us was amazing and all you can be it yourself. Complete exposure of You.  There was no space for putting confidence in anything else. I just love my team with so much Jesus Love.
How beautiful is the thought that God knew these words long before. 
My next molding in Christ was on a slippery slide (can be regarded as physical molding too).Traveling about 20km/h on a slippery slide at a school camp where we were leaders. That slippery slide took me to hospital. I bumped my knee open and now have a stunning conversation starter trade mark. They had to open my wound and clean it from deep within to take all the dirt  out in order for the wound to heal and not get infection- exactly what Jesus did to all our spirits during training. I had to go home for a few days. Thank you Jesus for your power of healing and your power of pulling all strings. Everything made sense.  I learned that walking is not even necessary when Jesus is carrying you. I learned to accept help from people and I  saw Jesus Love all over. 
I feel like a pretty flower unfolding by the power of the Holy Spirit. I feel like a bride in preparation. I finally understand having a fear of God. Being led by the Spirit. Realizing when my words freeze I have so much Love left to give. I'm addicted to the sound of laughter when someone is filled with the Spirit of Joy. 
Thank you Jesus for the the hearts of everyone part of Global. Thank you for the two angels next to me, motivating me day and night. Help me to obey. Thank you Jesus for sending Norm Wakefield on our path. He was just the cake of the day in everyday. Thank you for changing me first in order for me to change someone else in Your Glory.
Like the vision- I will be dacing with a flag on a wall in Instanbul.
I will sing in a heavenly language . I stretch my wings. 
Prepare for takeoff


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