Stepping out in faith has been the focus of our year and never have we seen God in control as much as we saw in one specific week.
We recently had our Luke10 journey which lasted for a week. We started in Mersing, Malaysia and would meet our team again a week later. Luke10 in the Bible is where Jesus sends out his’ 72 disciples to go to towns without anything with them. Going to where God was at work was our aim.
We were split into two teams for the week. Before we set out we prayed together to ask God what we should do, we felt we were going to be hitch-hiking to where God wanted to take us, where he was at work. We had a few quick lifts and had time to tell the people about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. In one of the lifts I prayed over a map of Malaysia and asked God where we should go. I felt a God was sending us to Malacca so I told the other guys and they agreed. In the evening we were in Kuala Pilah and we prayed if we should sleep there or go on hiking. The one guy felt we should go on so we continued on our journey. We got picked up by a Muslim guy and having received training in Muslim evangelism we could talk openly and effectively to him. We ended up receiving a whole meal and sleeping in his house. The next day he bought us bus tickets to Malacca and we were off. It felt so good knowing that God used us in a supernatural way like that! Thank you Lord.
We did some street ministry but and searched where God wanted to use us. Later that afternoon we sat on a hill calling out to God why He wanted us in Malacca. We were there a whole day and haven’t found our ministry yet. I received a scripture from God that just read: “Wait upon the Lord” We prayed over it and decided to stay another day and then move on. The next morning we walked to a local backpacker’s inn, and had our devotions in front of the building. We also found the joy of the Lord in our situation and out of that we did a prophetic act. We declared that we would sleep there that night, not having any money... We then went out to do more street ministry. It was about 10am so there weren’t any people out in the streets yet. We went into a mall to relax in a cooler environment before going back to the street. In the mall we met a couple from Australia and chatted a bit with them. They then introduced us to a missionary from Brazil, working in Malacca for a few years now. She took us in and gave us food, we prayed with her and after a few words of knowledge being revealed the Holy Spirit took over and we were all overcome. I could feel the Holy Spirit more tangible every second. She then told us that exactly that morning she prayed for friends and encouragement, God used us at just the right time. Praise God!
She introduced us to a man of God, our man of peace for the week. We talked with him and we would start helping him the following day. We also received a small donation and after we left we marched to that backpacker’s inn we sat in front of the morning. We booked ourselves in and felt like God was truly in control. The next morning the guy picked us up and drove us to his ministry. The ministry consists of: - Working with single mothers and children from broken families. – An elderly home for the retired and giving meaning to the last bit of their life. We also renovated a apartment and lived in it for the week. We gave countless testimonies and led a youth church, had a barbeque with the teens of the church and encouraged them. We ate five times a day and experienced the culture in a in-depth way. We also met a South Korean family doing mission work under the gypsies in Ukraine for 17 years now. We found out that for a couple of years now people from all over the world have proclaimed that a revival is near. We realized we were at a place where God was at work, exactly what we prayed for!
We went back to Kuala Lumpur the next week of a spiritual high! We have never been used like this ever in our lives and all we had to do was to step out in faith and trust on God completely.
In the Luke10 God revealed a lot of revelations to me. Stepping out in faith and trusting completely in God equals God providing. I received spiritual gifts: I received visions and words of knowledge. This was so awesome because I have been praying for the power of God to manifest through me and for the first time I saw it visible in situations. When I prayed God showed me things to pray for that I didn’t even know about.
All glory to God in Heaven. Amen