Okay so training was amazing. I have altready learned so much and God has basically transformed me completely. It´s CRAZY!!!!!!!:)
I can´t believe how quickly time has gone!!! It feels like yesterday that we were in the Bush doing survivor and competing for food! the Transkei was a really blessed time. Trusting God for all the supplies and equipment really taught me that He is faithful.. And nowI´m sitting in an internet cafe in Brazil!!! the journey here was really looooong, but it was cool. We spent two nights in different airports and I´m having the time of my life!!! God is revealing Himself in my life and through others lives.
ONE WORD- Brazilisthemostawesomeplace!ohmyword!:)
Here in Brazil, haha, almost no one understands English, so we´ve been trying to learn as much Portuguese as quick as we can. And those who speas English, speak very broken English, and in order for them to understand us, we speak broken English. haha so our English is getting very more delicious by da day:) And mann.... I´m loving this!!!! The dance ministry here in Agape church is amazing! I even joined them last Sunday!!! It was such a blessing to ba able to dance again.
Our ministry here is building relationships and discipleship so that the bond between Agape Church and Global Challenge can grow. The people here have captured my heart and I have learned so much!!!
All I can say is that I´m staying here in Ubatuba;-)
I´m just putting the photos here at the bottom because this computer is crazy and does´nt want to listen:)
Last group photo in SA:)
sleeping in the Airport at Doha
& nbsp;
Gerhard´s bed at Doha...hiehie
The baptismal pool we cleaned an Helen being baptised in it..whoohoo!
Elaine´s Grandma (NOENOES!)
eating Açai with our friends:)