Peru has really been a place of seeing God, how he works and just so much more of him.
Even the first night we set foot on the Peru side of the amazon river at Santa Rosa, it felt like nothing I had experienced before. A small pirate like town where I found myelf struck by the poverty and state of the surroundings. Rubbish floating past and everything dirty- Where was God in this situation? Then after getting our passports stamped in the most miraclulous way we went out to explore. In coming across a small little church with lights shining and worship singing out I was blow away. I realised that God was in this place just as He is right across the world. As well as how blessed and privleged I am to be able to see his restoration work, to truely see Him being worshiped in his creation. And
all this before we even reached our final destination here!
Once in Chiclayo we were straight into it, headng to schoold and where ever to give out bibles and preach Gods word. Again we are so blessed to be able to give out Gods word and to share the gospel- the POWER OF SALVATION! To see it in action. As well as to follow Paster Jorge, a man that really is such n example of someone living out a God seeking lifestyle. Most of the time I had no clue where we would end up next. We would be walking past a school and end up going in, as well as praying for basically anyone we met on the streets! So challenging but once again amazing to be a part of Gods work.
Then we headed to the mountains!!! I was glad to be some where abit colder and green. I didnt realise how different the experience was going to be. Untill we got off the dusty bus and saw the locals. Traditional dress is not just for special occassions here, but everday.
There really is so much that could be written about from the two weeks there but I will just share about one day and one village. After a three hour hike we came to Andunga, a village that has never been open to anyone coming in. It was a miracle that we could come and do a short presentation and give the children bibles. They couldnt really understand us and I had no idea what to do! We ended up sharing strories and then prayimg for sick babies. Linel and I also had the chance to see the small catholic church building. It was so dark, but as we prayed we went in to shine Gods light there. I really experienced something of how Gods light is so evident when we look to him and I pray that the people in that little village would be opened up to see that.
Now we are headed back towards Colombia on the way to Guatemala and I am sure more blessings to experience and see! Please be praying for ur faith journey up there,
for safety and rest. As well as for my personal finances as the year continues and keep raising support.
Thank you so much! Blessings