8 days, 8 flights, 8 countries, 8 airports, chicken buses, jeepneys and many hours of transit hearing about how we must watch our baggage! Oh yes it sounds a little over exagerated but it really isn't. That is exactly how we got from Panajachel, Guatemala to Lapu Lapu City, Philippines. Travel team always sounds so exciting but there is always a huge amount of time involved.
Leaving Guatemala I was excited to step out in the new understanding of the authority I have in Jesus Christ. My main expectation was to be able to testify of what God had done in Guatemala, the first half of this year and in my life. As well as
some rest to be able to get to the Philippines refreshed, spend time debriefing and processing the teachings from Guatemala.
With these in mind the adventure started. In short; bus rides to Guatemala city via Antigua. Then flew to sau Paulo Brazil via El Salvador and Colombia. During these flights my expectation was well and truely met! I got to sit next to different people on flights that were open and interested in hearing about what Global Challenge is and what I believe. So with one I got to share what I learnt in Guatemala and another my life story of how I came to know Jesus. All praise to Jesus for organising me to meet each person.
After a day long stop over in Brazil we were back on a plane, 14 hours to Qatar. The airline proved to be huge luxury and the length of time great for debrief. I also had the opportunity to sit next to a missionary from Nepal that works with
victims of child trafficing. Was incredible. Another stop over in Doha and we headed on to Delhi. On this flight was the first experience of indian curry airplane meals! As well as a South African air hostess. Another long stop over in Delhi, where the novelty was definitely rubbing off. I was tired and dirty and in need of fresh air. But as we didnt have visa, a day in the airport it was.
The next flight was on to Bangkok, Thailand. We had a long stop over there so we headed out. It was an awesome privilege to be able to explore the city and be shown around old temples. I really learnt so much about what it means to be budist and from that more of an understanding of how I can share my faith with them. It was also great to shower and sleep in a real bed as well.
More flights, to Kuala Lumpur, Manilla Clark and then to Cebu, our final destination in the Philippines
meant we finally arrived. The last leg really taught me that I need to be intentional about stepping out of my comfort zone to start conversations with people. Especially when all I wanted to do was sleep so time would go by faster. It was rough travelling for such a long time but there was blessing in so many ways that came from it. So thankful for southbound team making the transit times more of an adventure and for the many ways God came through for us during the epic travel journey!