By Danica van der Merwe on Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Category: Hidden World 2015

off off and away

Thought it's about time I let you all know what the team's been up to but most importantly what God's been up to. For the past few weeks I've had a taste of Africa, the real deal. I'm talking about longdrops of various shapes and sizes; having had the priviledge to interact with the Masaai peolpe, eating chapaties and schumawiki- local Kenyan dish, traveling via mtats and learning few swahili words.


Honestly, it's been a tough and testing few weeks in the heart of Africa.The Lord has really been teaching me what it means to be humble and have a servant heart mentality, what a journey. It's not easy I've had to check my attitude a few times and trully understand what it means to die to the self to allow God. But boy, I'm so grateful and thankful for the Father's blessings in my life. There is so much more to tell but for now I wish to emphasize the above. So this morning I woke up in Dar Es Salaa, Tanzania. This evening I will be in Johannesburg,  South Africa and tomorrow evening I will be stepping in Brazil. Off off and away we go.

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