I still hear him struggling to breath and wonder why it is I who's sitting next to his unconscious body! The vehicle just went off the road and we were the first there.
I didn't know what to expect when, in Cape Town, in January, Floyd prayed: "God will take you into a deeper level of Faith". Did it mean I have to believe in Him more or trust Him for more?
During the last two weeks of CPX I was confronted with bad memories. Ivan's car went off the road next to Red Hill, were we where busy building shacks, and left him hanging from it. We attended to him while waiting for the ambulance and all at once the memories and fear from our accident in 2003 came back. I always thought I was totally healed and that the accident would just always be part of my life, but God just covered it until I was ready to receive deeper healing. This was that time...
After meeting Ivan's family he passed away almost a week later, but God gave us a very clear image of how Ivan made a choice to be with Him. My heart still goes out to his family, but in more ways than one, I was able to see and experience many parts of this puzzle, just like with Dewald.
Things happened in all areas of my life! He changed and confirmed a lot of things and I know that He wants me to see how intensely He is involved. I am still discovering that faith has no end!
This is the start of my life, being in ministry, full-time.
In memory of Dewald - 2003 and Ivan - 2008