By Leander Lubbe on Sunday, 11 February 2018
Category: Leander Lubbe

A new beginning!

Hello, Welcome to my blog! I'm not sure what I'm doing here yet, but im doing it. This blogging thing is new to me. I want to keep the theme of my blogs about experiences even if it's more personal, but it would be better if you could learn something out of it.

First of all during training we haven't had a place to call home, the longest time we spent at the same place was 5 days. So we got pretty comfortable with being uncomfortable.

My experiance during training has been challenging me emotionally, physically and spiritually. I've been discovering more about myself than I thought I would. For example realising that I won't die if I missed a meal.

I experienced more about having discipline and structure in my life, things such as waking up earlier then everyone just to get to that 1 shower you have to share between the bunch of guys, and also just making some personal time to journal and get your head clear.

Sometimes I get jealous seeing my friends Whatsapp status about how cool it is to study and all that but then I realise that all our journeys are different.

The training has been fun for me and challenging especially when you share a  room with 5 people and your trying to sleep but the one guy is constantly telling jokes and you laugh till midnight. 

I'm excited to keep you updated on my blog for the journey to come!

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