It is said that every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. With that in mind, I start my preparations for GCEX 2011! But who am I and how did I get to be so blessed to be chosen for the journey of a lifetime?
As you can see on the home page, my name is Linel le Roux. Born in Namibia and proudly bred in South Africa! At 25 I'm enjoying my first retirement, that from ship life. After 2 years of serving as a butler on a cruise ship, I'm convinced that I love the traveling, but I don't want to be the one driving by in the taxi, taking pictures of the people. I want to be there with them, experiencing what they experience and helping in any way I can.
Have you ever felt that you are destined for more? That this is not really where you have to be. That God has
a bigger plan for you? Then you know exactly how I feel. I believe that God didn't put us on earth for ourselves, He put us here for each other.
Rom 10:11-13 " can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it?" I believe that we are all called to serve, but not all are able or willing to go to the ends of the earth. I am. And that's why I am here. I want to grow spiritually and figure out where Dad wants to use me, what and where His calling on my life is.
I have a servant’s heart. That’s who I am. I want to work hard, see and experience as much as possible and be tired at the end of every day, but knowing that I’m helping to bring God’s kingdom to earth. There is so much pain and suffering in the world, but there are also so many blessings.&
nbsp; I want to share that, the love and joy of Jesus Christ.
So this is me, willing, excited, but also a little scared. Not too much, but just enough to keep living in faith and total dependence.
Enjoy the journey with me, I can't wait to share it all with you! Now just to get everything to fit in my backpack... =o)