Quoting my last blog: “Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.”
Well, the heartbeat came. The heartbeat went.
8 years ago I attended a church service where someone stood up and said he feels there is people in the audience God is calling into Africa. Something struck my heart, but at the time I was studying Industrial Engineering and sort of just laughed the idea away.
Those words did not return empty (Is 55:11). This year God has chosen me (what a privilege!) to shepherd the Explore Africa team through the Middle East and Africa.
Training the 2nd time around was interesting. If I have to describe it in 2 words I would say: Fast & Life-changing. I am not really sure how many times someone’s life can be changed, but over the past 14 months I have used that phrase A LOT.
A tune that keeps repeating in my mind since November last year:
All the Nations they will come, holding broken chains above their heads.
Singing, "We have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb."
Jesus, you, you're worth it all
Every Nation, Every Soul.
HE IS WORTH IT ALL. Our lives, our comforts, our everything.
We trust for a harvest, even though we might only do the ploughing work. We trust for chains to be broken. The sick to be healed. The demonised to be delivered.
My prayer is that when we come back at the end of the year we will be able to say the words in Luke 17:10:
So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’