When I grew older and a little wiser, I realized that it would not be the solution. Maybe it had something to do with Ghandi’s quote (I like your Christ, but not you Christians). I then decided that my wish would have to change to everyone having a relationship with Jesus Christ. It took a few years of growing older and wiser before I realized that this would not be the solution either. For one thing, our gentle God will never force someone to have a relationship with Him and if everyone had a relationship with God, it would not necessarily solve the problem. There’s no guarantee that everyone will be diligently obedient to God and there will still be hurt, pain and death in the world. And wishing also weren’t the answer. So, I came to the conclusion that if God would grant me one request, it would be for Jesus to return soon.
Once again it dawned on me that God does not need me to proclaim who He is. He does not need me to take Him to the nations – He is already there!!! By grace He chose to use me and by grace I was saved. There is nothing I did or can do to deserve it. And the only difference between me and the random guy I meet on the street is definitely not my lifestyle. There are some unbelievers out there who are far “better” people than what I would ever be. Just in this week I’ve seen people, who do not even know us, go out of their way to help and entertain us. People who live a good life, but don't know Jesus.
However, I also came to another conclusion – that the only thing that counts in this life is being obedient to God and showing through this obedience that I love Him (John 2v5 and John 15). And if my obedience to Him means not seeing one soul being saved in this life time of mine, then I’ll still be obedient and praise Him. And if it means seeing thousands of souls being saved, then I’ll still be obedient and give all honour and praise to Him. For we are mere men who cannot perceive the thoughts and ways of our awesome God. It is my desire to go where He sends me and do what He asks of me. My questions to you today are, are you doing what God wants you to do now? And if God granted you one request, what will you ask for?