Hello Everyone!!
I'm so glad to finally catch up with you after one month in South Africa! Boy, does time fly when you are having fun! Just to give you a little update on where I currently am and what I'm doing.... I'm in Jeffrey's Baii (Bay), South Africa (the most beautiful place) and I have been here for the past 3 weeks for training. We are having the best time but staying absolutely crazy busy! This is the 2nd time that I've made it to the internet cafe since I've been here. We spent the 1st week getting to know each other and sharing our testimonies with the team. We just THOUGHT then that we were tired and busy :) Since then we have spent time studying the book of Matthew, Colossians, Ephesians and we're now on Galations. We are using the "Veritas" bible study learning how to break down
scripture, read it in it's context, and reteach it in an modern day sense. It's very intense and deep but it's incredible how much more you get out of one little verse! Also we have been busy with a couple of service projects. Every Thursday morning we go to Global Leadership Academy (GLA) and work with the children sharing our testimonies, the gospel and talking to them about our journey. It's been great to in a sense, "practice" with the children before we take off for the year. We also go to "Ithemba" a local daycare here in the neglected part of town a couple of afternoons a week and play with the children while the guys have been building them a playground. It's been keeping us pretty busy on top of our two, two hour sessions a day and workshops learning dances and dramas for the year.
I can't express to you how much fun I'm having, how well my teeny tiny tent sleeps&
nbsp;and how excited I am to see what God has instore for this year! We have 5 incredible teams put together and I ask that you please remember to pray for North Bound, South Bound, Explore Africa, Work Your Way and Hidden World teams. We are all now a family and will have a hard time parting in a month!
We have 3 and a half more weeks of training then we will head to Pretoria, SA on Feb. 21 to apply for visas. From there we will head to Johannesburg and fly out on March 1st. Our 1st destination is Athens, Greece!!!
Hope everyone is doing well and would like to just let a out a big........
1...2...3... HEY Y'
Loving Jesus,
Mary Kate