First and foremost: I have no idea what I'm doing in regards to writing a blog, so please forgive my first attempt at digitally diarising my adventure with Global Challenge expeditions throughout this year.
Roughly a month ago I left the comfort, food and safety of home to join the ranks of Global Challenge, and in concordance with my 18 short years on planet earth, I can say that I have never made a better decision in my life!
Sure the menu may lack some protein and variety, but what Global does offer is far more filling...It is food for the Spirit. Never in my life have I felt so spiritually enriched by the Godly fellowship between my peers, the unwavering spiritual dependence of the Global community and the God given joy of everyone involved in training.
So if you had to ask me to describe training so far, I would reply with one word: AWESOME. The fact that we can learn from spiritual leaders is Awesome. The fact that we survived Survivor is Awesome. The fact that we can minister to kids at school camps is Awesome. The fact that we can renovate a school is Awesome. The fact that I am at Global Challenge and attempting to write a blog is Awesome. The fact the you are reading this blog is Awesome.
The fact that the God of the universe loves you and me is AWESOME. So in fact everything is Awesome.