This blog was actually written October 10th, but I thought I'd post it again on this site!

In exactly 5 weeks, almost to the minute, I'll be leaving for South Africa!  I am so amazed that in only 5 weeks we'll begin an amazing journey with God around the World!  That seems so far away and so close at the same time!!!

for_blog_monica_025.jpgWell...I'm a farm girl from central Kentucky who presently calls New Braunfels, Texas home.  My name is Monica Haydon and I am the Store Purchaser for T Bar M Camps.  My passion for traveling and International Missions introduced me to a young lady in the Los Angeles airport on February 28, 2001.  Through our conversation about life and the next step, she introduced me to T Bar M Camps.  Since May of 2001, T Bar M has challenged me, encouraged me and discipled me!  During my time at T Bar M Camps I have been privileged to meet many GREAT of which is Sarah Rinn, who introduced me to The Global Challenge and encouraged me to join the team journeying Around the World in 80 days!  God worked in my heart and life circumstances....and well the rest is History!  I'm privileged and honored to be a part of the team journeying around the world to love on God's people where they are.These next 5 weeks hold a lot of opportunities and responsibilities for me.  Trip Study...weekly volleyball games...more trip preparation...more and packing...visiting friends...the list goes on and on!  I am comforted by knowing that God has orchestrated each day and what it will hold; Nothing surprises Him.  Just to the right above my computer screen I have one of my 'life verses' taped..."Have I not commanded you?  Be Strong and Courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9 So as I enter these next 5 weeks, I enter them confidently knowing that I'm in God's hand and He has led me to this adventure, and He will lead me through!