I can't believe we are actually done with training. Wow, God blessed me so much in such a short time...I can't wait to experience him in 11 different countries!
We started with training on the 12th of January on the caravan park in Jeffrey's Bay. Here we heard stories from the leaders and just bonded with he people. After 3 nights, we packed up our tents and moved to the UCSA campsite (also in J-Bay). The first week we did a course on Theophostic Ministry, where we learned how to minister to people who came out of a difficult background. We also started with the Veritas bible course - we dove deeper into God's word an learned how to convey a certain message from a passage.
We had a survivor camp in the bush, where we had to build our own shelters and do challenges for our food. We got to know our team members on an entirely different level and realised that when God is all we have, God is all we need. Directly after survivor, we facilitated the GLA camp. It was fun to bond with the children and play games with them.
During the last weeks of training, we went to Transkei. The Northbound (that's me) and Work Your Way teams stayed in the Mahosheni community in the huts. The girls were blessed with a freshly polished floor. What you probably don't realise is that the floors are "polished" by freshly manufactured cowpoo. We developed great compassion for the people in Mahosheni and one woman (Bongi) even gave her heart to God. It was great to see God work in such wonderful ways! He provided when we had no water to mix the dagga and he gave us wind to take away some of the burning heat while we worked. Transkei was a great experience.
The last week, Joe Ewin taught us about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. He taught us how to use these gifts and he also prophesied over each of us. In my entire life, i have never experienced God in such a real way. It was absolutely amazing.
We ended off the trainig by receiving our official GC jackets. It was sad to say goodbye to the other teams, but also made us excited. We are all looking forward to see what God has planned for us in all the different counrties!