The CATCHPHRASE these days tend to be something like: are you a fisher of men? That is what challenged me a lot the last few days in NZ. I always knew I had to spread the gospel (in South Africa), but the “opportunity” just never showed up at my doorstep. I was the average “Christian” boy, living from Sunday to Sunday, and in the week, I would fall so deep that I felt I would rather die right now and go to heaven (just making it by grace into the outer parts of heaven). God gave me grace, unbelievable to me, and then He showed me His love for me. Then I came on this year of amazing challenges and experiences….
This week I had the opportunity to go fish hunting! What is that most of you would ask me? Fish hunting is another term for spear fishing. We met another believer in the church on Sunday morning, and he was such a blessing to me a few other people on the team. He took us spear fishing on Wednesday morning, and took us out to sea. He showed us the place where to do it, and gave us a couple of pointers. I am skipping a few details, but this is only the quick version. He gave us gear, a wetsuit, a mask and a snorkel, fins, gloves, shoes, and most importantly our weapon, a spear gun. He had to explain how to use the gun. We listened with great excitement, and then when he had finished, he gave us the weapon and told us to have fun! We went out and within a couple of minutes I had my first fish! It was amazing to hunt the fish, and I swam enthusiastically to the boat. I held my catch proudly in the air, and they loaded it unto the boat. Then I reloaded the gun, and went in for another hunting expedition. Tiaan shot a big one shortly after, and then I had another turn with the gun, where I shot a big fish as well. I think it was a red roman, or something, but it was about 30c. Now when I think about it, it is almost the same with us in our faith. When we got saved, God equipped us with His love, and His word. We have to know and study the word before we can serve others with it. That was step one. Then after that, we have to go hunting, not wait for the fish to swim to the spear and into the sharp edge, wiggling until it is on the spear. We have to go out and show the people why we serve God, and how great His love is for us, and for everyone! So when we know how to hunt and we have the equipment, then we have to go out to hunt, or it would be like to sit in the boat, and enjoying the view, while everyone else is fishing. There is one difference though, we cannot save any person. We can only tell the world about Jesus, and what He has done, About God and His great love, and about the Holy Spirit, our comforter and helper. God is the one who saves, heals, and helps, not us. We are only His tools that He can choose to use.
So I challenge you today to go out and just share what God has done in your life today with a fellow worker or a person that has been on your mind lately. Trust God to do the saving part, but go out and spread the awesome message of salvation!
With all love in Christ
Paul du Plessis.