India - a time where we can only look back upon and praise GOD!!!
We started off in India with a bang. We worked from 5:30am till about 11am, and then we had some time for biblestudy.
After that we worked out a program for the kids, and then we had a whole day of interaction with the kids. That was definitely my highlight!!!
I loved everything that had to do with the kids.
We prayed alot for money to bless them, and though we didn't even had enough money to stay there, we were blessed by God with about R50 000!!!
Praise be to God!!!
I can't tell you it happened, but I only know one thing. God is in control, and He can use anybody and anything for his purposes and for His glory!!!
We serve an awesome God!!
With this short blog I just want to remind myself and
you at home on Luk 17:11 - 17. This is a piece where Jesus heals 10 lepers, but only 1 leper came back and praised Jesus for doing it. Jesus' response was : "didn't I heal 10 men? Where are the other 9? Has only one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"
Well, this is why I am writing this blog.
Praise be to God!!!
In every situation this year, throughout this whole year, in trials and happiness, in temptations and in power, good and bad, God was there, helping me all the way!!
Just praise His name for everything He has done in your life!!!
I'm also reminded on a scripture that David wrote in the Psalms, "and forget not one of His good deeds"!!!
So now I only want to Praise God and glorify His name!!!
Lots of love!