By Shanine Changfoot on Monday, 01 February 2010
Category: Shanine Changfoot

Islands. legs and kidneys

Training and equipping is always necessary and vital for effective ministry.  Even when we may think we know alot already, there is still so much more to learn.

Our first week was  settling in and getting to know our fellow team members.  We had some time to discover the kingdom islands, which you can't find on the world map, in case you were wondering, it's in our hearts. Haha....and yes some of us did search for the islands on the map.  And then kingdom wars followed......we were divided into teams and waged war against each other as a part of team building and also how to strategically infiltrate the enemy .  Yes, this would be a form of effective ministry........

Week two followed with an even more busy schedule, lots of session in the morning and evenings with practical ministry and workshops in the afternoons.  On Wednesday morning at 7am we teamed up with the local N G church and went into the community distributing food and had the opportunity to pray for people and for healing.  One lady broke her leg and was still struggling to walk properly, I asked if I could pray for her and release healing, I felt her leg move from the inside and asked her what was happening, she said she could feel that it was going straight.  She started walking around and said there was improvement and it felt much better.  Praise Jesus!!!  Got some feed back that it's still improving.  Released healing on another person, he had problems with his kidneys, when I stopped praying for him, he said he felt something press onto his kidneys as he had problems with fluid or something running through his kidneys......I believe God blocked the leak.  Still waiting to hear the results.   

God is truly amazing and He is so good!!!  The time here is well spent and what a privilege and honour it is to serve a God who is mighty to save, Who has planned and purposed us for such a time as this.  I am in awe.

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