Brazil is insane cool. This must be my favorite place. It is beautiful and we are with a youth group that NEVER leaves. Each night the team thinks we are going to bed earlier (10 pm) and then we hear… the bell. We open the door and person after person walks in. Then we make dinner and most of the times desert is included. They will cheer at anything and loves card games and soccer games and LOVES worshipping. And we get to join in it all. I love the body of Christ. They just want to know the Father better, and it´s beautiful.
I have been going through a tough time. I really struggled to be present here in Brazil, because my thoughts are with what happens after Global. God asked me to go on Global this year, but now I was leaving earlier by trying to make plans and do the ´grown-up´ thing.
I felt desperate to hear God tell me what to do. Our team went to a prayer room to do Bible Study and we did Romans 8:1-14. I cried. I felt desperate for Joy, and Peace and Life. I felt pressure to figure my life out. What if I miss what God has for me? What if I am too late to get a job at the end of the year? What if I fail? What if, what if, what if… Fear.
Suddenly I started doubting in EVERYTHING God has told me and taught me up until this point. Okay, Jeanette, what is the last thing that you were sure of that God told you? `Go on Global. ` Okay, then do that - be on Global.
God´s love never fails. I couldn´t stop looking at Romans 8:28. `And we know that all things will work together for those who love God, Who are called according to His purpose.`Â There is no such thing as failure, only learning. There is no such thing as ´missing´ what God has for you, because all things work together for those who love God.
The one song that is in English and Portuguese is His love never fails. We went to a youth service and sang that song… have you ever realized what you declare in the song? `You make all things work together for my good.´ We sing that over and over and over again.
Have you ever listened to a song on repeat and one day you hear something in the song for the first time? Chris Tomlin has a new CD and one song I love is: The God I Know. There´s a part where Chris sings `And I know you´re working all things for my good. `
2 Corinthians 1:3 God of all Comfort. Once again I could experience the God of all comfort. I will not fear the world and it´s systems when I am serving the God above it all. I will not believe in failure.
I have seen Your goodness and I have known Your mercy countless times before. I´ve felt the thunder, I´ve heard the whisper, the voice that calms the storm. When the World is shaken, You are my firm foundation. be still, be still my soul.
The God I know will make a way. Whatever comes, whatever I face. The God I know is strong to save. He is the Lord, He conquered the grave. This is the God I know.
I remember when the waters parted – how You led me through. And all I´ve needed, You have provided. Your promises are true. When the World is shaken, You are my firm foundation. be still, be still my soul.
And I know You are working all things for my good. – Chris Tomlin, The God I Know.