After almost a month in Cuba, which was AH-MAZING!!!!!, it's hard to pick out only a few words for even just a glimpse to be experienced, for words only describe a moment in black in white where the colours are crucial for envision.
As the first pages of this chapter were reflected through our lives, it is evitable that our Lord's hand is at work in every single person's life on earth as His plan was and will always be the nations. For our prayers are showered over the city of Santiago and the hearts of our family and friends' lives but only He has the power to save. To be able to experience His grace being poured out over Cuba and people giving their lives to Christ, we are without a doubt left with a heart full of hope and faith. As we walked down the streets and met new people constantly, communication were mostly limited and usually it was more like a lost in translation conversation, where prayer and your time is all you have to offer someone. Luckily with a Saviour as sovereign as Jesus Christ, that has no limits to His saving hand, our task is easy and burdenless, for He can use any hopeless situation and turn it into a profound event in someone's life. For we are merely human and our power and hope is in Christ for a future where every tongue will confess that Christ is our victorious King and Saviour and where every knee will bow vulnerable before Him.
For the beauty of brokenness before the Lord is indescribable and it's a state of intimacy every soul longs for to be forever satisfied. To come before your Father just as you are and with everything you have done for Him to wash clean and take all the guilt off your shoulders for there's no condemnation for those who believe in Christ. He liberates you when your heart lies open before Him and forgiveness is what you plead for. His DNA declares Helper and Comforter and all we need to do is come to Him with a heart willing to be filled with a love so deep where overflow is inevitable. This is all that's needed to please the One that created us with love and for love.
Now, the eyes of mankind. We look past broken people in search of worldly presenters of a good and desirable life. Where the inside of hurt and bitterness is suppressed instead of expressed. It is due to the human eye of constant comparison that everybody tries to hide there true colours, because of the fear of denial. In this world where those colors are needed to fulfill the destiny of uniqueness and magnificence when brought into the light, our eyes keeps us in bondage to overlook the beauty of the vivid colours that lies within the depths of every soul. If we could just lay down our comparing eyes we are liberated te embrace the colors that paints our present canvas, with acceptance we enable ourselves to appreciate those around us for who they are and how they approach life. For no one has the authority to claim how a person is suppose to look or how they are suppose to be. So if your scale measures your preformed idea of beauty and comfort zones on the one side to whatever and wherever you are now, you'll never be satisfied or appreciative. But if your choice is to surrender your comparing eye, you are free to stand breathless and numb in awe of the beauty of the broken and life searching person standing next to you. For LIFE is what every soul longs for. With only One provider, our Savior's name should be shouted from the rooftops and be known throughout the nations. So we will shout and we will pray out of compassion for the directionless but longing soul next to us, for Jesús is all the only one needed for a life of abundance here on earth.
The rest is still unwritten.