As the my people would know... I am an absolute dreamer, 'dagdromertjie verby' and up to the last few weeks I always kept all my dreams up in my head as pretty pictures but with no use. I believe that God truly gave me a gift of dreaming... seeing pictures to communicate with me. So as I am really trusting God this year to help me develope this gift I would love to share with you a little provision from God :
Just before we entered Dahab (small touristy town in middle of desert next to red sea) I asked God to reveal to me some picture of message of this town that might be usefull to someone and to trust that it is from Him! So no picture came for two days untill we as group prayed for the town and as the words of encouragement and urgency came I smiled in awe of a solid big fountain in my mind. This is a fountain and it stands in the centre in a big isolated area. And around this fountain there is only a group of people sitting/standing desperate to fill their buckets. I see us, as global challenge group coming before God, filling our buckets and just passing it on to the outside. Some are passing the living water on to a person, other to a child and some just watering the grounds but the water does not stay with us, it needs to go!
Now as I saw the picture so vivid I tried to draw it in my journal and explain it more but the confirmation came when I went for a walk and saw in the middle of a big plain, almost central to the town a fountain/monument. It is not the exact replecation of my mind but I truly believe it's the image that God gave me . God is amongst these people and He desperately needs servents to come and spread the living water, pass it on and water the grounds of the desert to produce a fruitfull harvest. Maybe our calling in Dahab is just to water the grounds with prayer and share with those God sends and we may not reap from the harvest now or see any results but at least we can water the seeds!