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God is working wonders in Cuba and in our lives!


Cuba has been such an amazing experience!  What a wonderful country to start off our journey to all the Distant Island nations of the world.  As we look back on our time in Cuba, we are standing with so much thankfulness in awe of how perfectly in control God really is.  We had so many highlights in the past three weeks and our low lights were so small, silly and insignificant, that you can almost say our whole Cuba experience was just one big highlight.


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Distant Islands? Who is Distant Islands??

What is our mission?


As Global Challenge, we travel around the world in a God-seeking lifestyle, serving the nations and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In the different places we visit, we come alongside the local churches or missionaries and try to serve the local communities in any way we can. 

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Adios Cuba! Dios te bendiga!


Can Cuba be summarised in words? Impossible! But with God all things are possible... He is impossibly possible! Here is a short summary of how each team member experienced Cuba and what God did in them while in Cuba:

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Transkei - Awakening of the soul by the filling of the Spirit.

Transkei - Awakening of the soul by the filling of the Spirit.
We spend the last two weeks in the Transkei. The first week we were in Coffee Bay where we helped to renovate a small Christian school. While we were building, fixing, painting and moving around things in the school and the house of the lady who started it, God was doing the same in the houses of our souls. We had teachings on Spiritual warfare and deliverance, where we learned to face our sins and mistakes and to give them to Jesus so that He can free us. We were filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that...
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Luke 10 – Taiwan – Pray Eat Laugh

Team: Marielle Visser, Arthur McKinnon and Ashleigh Hooper

When you read Luke 10 in the Bible it seems very straight forward, simple and easy... but in reality it is difficult to know how to apply it practically in today’s world. Our Luke 10 experience had many interesting and fun aspects, but the three things that were most evident in our Luke 10 journey, was definitely: We Prayed a lot, We Ate a lot and we Laughed a lot!

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Yah Mon! Jamaica - No Problem Mon... Not with God Mon!


We really learned so...... much from and about God through His servants in Jamaica. We could never forget the people that we met in Jamaica and we will definitely always associate our Jamaican experience with a lot of kids and young people!

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Cuba! What is God's Church doing in this Distant Island?

The first country that we visited on our Journey around the world to all the Distant Islands is Cuba.  The reason why we are only putting up our first blogs now is because Cuba has no Internet. Cuba is a communist country, which means that their government controls everything and the people does not really have a free will or any opinion. Cuba is a very interesting and unique country. Even though it is in the Caribbean, it is not like any of the other Islands. It almost feels like we did not only travel half way around the world, but that we also travelled back in time. All the buildings and cars here, are very old. The country doesn't use or have a lot of new technology, or actually they don't have a lot of new anything.


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Finding God’s treasures in a Carribean Tropical Paradise – The Cayman Islands

 Cayman Islands is amazingly, breathtakingly beautiful! We can’t believe that most of us didn’t know about this place before this journey. The ideal holiday destination! There are so many tourists and even foreigners who work and stay here (Americans, Jamaicans, South Africans and many, many more). Everyday there are between 3-6 of those big cruise ships that come to bring their guests to enjoy the Island. There are all these cool animals on the Island like Blue Iguanas, Sea Turtles and you can even swim with Stingrays and Dolphins!


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Hong Kong – So short, but so sweet!

Our week in Hong Kong was filled with so much love and blessings! We experienced God in new and wonderful ways and we found amazing ministry opportunities for the future. We think that God is planning big things and that future Global Challenge teams have a lot to look forward to for ministry in Hong Kong. Here is a short summary of how each team member experienced our short, sweet week in this Distant Island:

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