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God is bigger than any Mountain that I can or cannot see!

This is the song that we could not get out of our heads the whole time that we were in the Cayman Islands and we will definitely never forget it! We learned this song from the Caymanian people and seeing how they sing it with so much joy, made it irresistible to us.

[video: 400x300]

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Portugal testimony :)

Portugal testimony :)
In the midst of spiritual darkness (Europe being only approximately 2% Evangelized) we stayed in a little suburb of Lisbon, called Massama and served in the local reformed Evangelical church. The people of the congregation received us into their homes with warm welcomes and hospitality – it felt like family! I have been here before, so it was great to refresh some of the old relationships.   Pro 25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.   We brought some cold water to thirsty souls in Portugal and it had blessed us...
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I Am Only One

As I write this I sit in front of a world map and am blown away by how massive our world really is. I dream of places I have never been and people that I have never met; I remember places I have been and people I have met and have grown to love dearly. As I scan the map which is slightly wider than my arm span,   I am confronted with the magnitude of what Jesus asks when He says GO and let every tribe tongue and nation know that I AM The Way, The Truth and The...
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No more Masks - Yolandi

During our time in Russia we were placed into different groups and one group stayed at the camp sites and the other group had the opportunity to go to orphanages.  I was privileged enough to be in the group that went to the orphanages.  At the first orphanage we visited we helped with some renovation work they were busy with.  During this time I noticed that they just wanted us to paint over old paint without scraping the old paint off.  While painting I just felt this sense that this happens so often in our own lives.  Sometimes the old...
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I think I love God so much it hurts.

Firstly. I've fallen in "love" a million times. So badly I would believe that I won't be able to ever live again if the relationship didn't work out. Turns out I could. Point is. I'm a sucker for love. Or so I thought! Man.. What is love anyway? I've "given up on it" so many times you'd think I'd at least know what "it" is. Well I didn't. I actually still don't. But God is teaching me what it is. Bit by bit. See I thought love was some warm fuzzy feeling when you hold someone's hand.. Or stare into...
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OUT-LOVE! OUT-JOY! OUT-LAUGH!* We were welcomed on the 12th of January to Survivor:Kingdom Islands!*The game: training, learning, moulding, experiencing, enjoying! The prize: more of God's word, His joy, His love and fun fun fun!* Our first week has gone by and already i am amazed! Games were played (water balloon war on the beach), our stories were told, the Word was explained, sins were forgiven, captives were set free, praise was sung, prayers were lifted up, tears were shed, smiles were glowing, community centres were painted, clinics windows were washed, love was shared and a family was made!!!! 1 Cor...
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Dankie Liewe Jesus is al was ons kan sê !

Ons het Suid-Amerika  met ‘n bang af geskop, ons het in Mendoza in Argentina ‘n nag gebly waar ons in ‘n Hostel ge oornag  het en het die Bafana Bafana wedstryd teen Uruguay gekyk saam met die Argentinean wat glo vir my hulle is mal verby oor sokker , maar julle sal seker verstaan want sokker was daar in SA. Oral in die land was daar vlae en mense met hemde en met hulle vuvuzelas in strate geblaas wat my natuurlik aan huis laat dink het hoe dit daar in SA is in my en ons eie agter veld. Ons...
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Fun at an Orphanage in Solola (Guatamala)

Wow, what a wonderfull day, we randomly met a wonderfull couple in a Coffee shop in Panajachel (Rich and Cherryl) and ended up playing at an orphanage in Solola, teaching and doing dramas for the kids at a school, and recieved an open door at the Highscool in Solola where we ministered for the morning and painted at the orphanage the afternoon! God is devine in His set-ups! Watch this video:
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PeRu-ViT (vIta JC)

PeRu-ViT (vIta JC)
After the previous entry depicts we finally arrived in Chiclayo, Peru! With overwhelming Roman Catholic and withcraft influence, we could only wonder what lay ahead!  We began the much anticipated Touching Hearts course offered by a South African lady, Caroline Thorpe. The impact of the course was noted by all and each participant walked away with experiencing either short term or long term life lessons!!! Being translated form English to Spanish we sadly didnt get to finish the course but even so we were moved! With 2 days before the trip to Incawasi we got to sight see a little...
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Geel Span in die Sneeu

Geel Span in die Sneeu
Die Geel Span het gister ʼn ongelooflike dag gehad ons het in die berge gaan stap in die koue en dit was toe gemis en as jy trap trap jy soms tot by jou heupe so diep is die sneeu. Terwyl ons op gestap het, het dit gesneeu reën wat ʼn lekker gevoel en belewenis was. Natuurlik het ek oral op geklim en ek het tot gehol in sneeu !!! Ek het partykeer gedink ek trap nog op sneeu dan sit ek heup diepte in die sneeu en dan vries jy jou boudjies af in daardie sneeu. PJ het op...
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