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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Holiness that hurts the eyes!!!

During the last 6 months or so the Lord has been speaking to me about being Holy and the areas concerning that. I want to share with you what the Father has placed on my heart..... Leviticus 19:2 says, "Be holy for I the Lord your God am holy!"  Here we can see that God demands us to be holy. It's not a question, but rather a statement. So in fact God is asking us to be sacred or set apart for Him. Why? 2 Timothy 2:21 says the following, "If anyone purifies himself from these things, he will be...
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A Jordanian Alley&Burned Oats!!!

As the bus left us on the abandoned bus station in Amman at 4:30 a.m., we were immediatly overwhelmed by the extreme cold of the morning air. We huddled together and decided that 2 things had to be done. Firstly we had to find some shelter and get out of the wind at least until the sun comes up. Secondly we had to make something to eat. We were all feeling a bit thin after missing 3 meals due to the travels! We sent out scouts to find shelter for the team and the rest stayed with the bags. When...
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Egypt: Your hot and your cold...

As the 42 members of the Global Challenge boarded the plane, on the evening of the 24 of Feb, which was due for Cairo you could sense the anticipation in the air!  This was the big moment that everybody had been waiting for.  6 weeks of training had led up to this very moment!  As I looked over to those close enough to me I could see each one quietly reflecting. What, I could only guess.... As the door of the plane opened, a chilly Egypt airport awaited us at 14C.  This cold caught us all a bit by surprise, as...
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Commitment vs. Surrender

  While we were in India, the son of the pastor who started the orphanages asked us what is the difference between being a committed and a surrendered Christian. This question got me thinking... If you are a committed Christian, you commit to going to church one a week, giving your tenth, reading your Bible daily etc. Now don't get me wrong, these are really good things to do and very important, but then what about the surrendered part? If we are surrendered Christians we give all that we have to the Lord. In other words we surrender all. It may...
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A Thai Blessing

img_2563.jpgThe last couple of days have been one big blessing from our heavenly Father....the people He chose to bless us with.......a normal Thai family.

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The secret to happiness

What's the definition of contentment? Being satisfied with what you have or where you are. Right? No, there's way more to contenment than just being satisfied. God took me on a journey to experience true contentment.


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Back to the future?!

img_1807.jpgThe last couple of days we have been camping in Macau at Hac Sa beach and we have really been enjoying the calm, clean nature until.....the typhoon hit!!!
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From Dusk Till Dawn

Ready for action!

By Marcel - 13 April 2008

Climbing the Dalijia Mountain in China takes you: 14 800ft high; up more than 3000ft vertically in 1 day; through Snow,Mud and Water; from 7:30a.m. to 8:30p.m.

This whole mountain climbing expedition started the day before when the missionary here in China, Pieter wanted to know whether I would like to go mountain climbing with him and his brother Zac from the States. Without a moment's hesitation I said, 'absolutely' very confidently.

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Missing God on a missionary trip!?

How can you miss God when you are in His will, doing the work that He called you for...? 
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F1 Race in Macau

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