The Global Challenge Expeditions Team of 2015 has created an initiative to increase financial support, called the Break an Egg, Build a School Challenge. This challenge is to create a video of you breaking an egg in a creative way and donate at or at your local bank. Post your video on a social media website and nominate 5 friends to do the same! You are welcome to donate without participating in the challenge.

Three classrooms. Seven days. Thirty-six students. One inspired vision.

Our team has the privilege to advance classrooms which will prepare leaders who will reach the nations. Global Challenge Leadership Academy (GLA) is a high school founded by Global Challenge Expeditions. The vision of GLA is to establish an innovative learning environment where young people will become servant leaders with the skill set to impact their own communities. To continue the growth of GLA an ongoing initiative has been the construction of an environmentally friendly campus situated on a nature reserve in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. For more information on GLA, follow this link:

As the expedition team of 2015 we will be completing the interior of 3 classrooms, which will also equip us with the necessary practical skills to serve the nations. We need your financial support to achieve this!

The required amount is R30,000 ($2610 USD); R10,000 ($870 USD) per classroom.

The breakdown per classroom:



R660 ($58 USD)


R200 ($18 USD)

Timber Wall Panels/Beams

R2290 ($199 USD)


R6850 ($595 USD)


Please see the Banking details below to donate:

Bank:                           ABSA
Acc Name:                  GCEX PROJECT                                                                                                                      Acc Number:              9206963007
Branch Code:             334515
Account type:             Savings
SWIFT Code:             ABSAZAJJ  (For International Payments)
Reference: Work Project 2015

As the week continues, make sure you keep up to date with our progress both financial and on-site by visiting this blog. Thank-you so much for all your support, please share with friends!