Guatemala - More more more!!
We arrived in Guatemala City on the 17th of May and from there we chicken-bussed our way to a beautiful touristy town called Panajachel, on a lake between some volcanoes. We were received by a modern-day-proper-follower-of-Jesus, ridiculously-on-fire-for-God couple, Ben and Lilly. Each night we received teachings from Ben on baptism, spiritual warfare, casting out demons etc. and we also got our hands dirty and went out and practiced these things! Ah I love these people!! Our time with them meant so much to me, I am changed for ever! I just want to be more on fire like they are!
During the day we did some hardcore physical labour – the usual Global Challengy kind of things. We had 3 projects: digging the well at Ben’s house, building a retaining wall for Linda and planting peach trees for Joe. These projects were on a more “showing God’s love to the people in a practical sense, evangelising them” side of things. I worked at Joe’s house most of the time, planting away. We saw what a difference speaking truth into someones life and just giving them the time of day can make. Joe made lavender tea for us and we had quality Bible study chats. Still praying for him!
We also practised and performed dramas with the Mi-Reto (Ben’s Church) youth. So we got to spend a lot of quality time with them. There’s such a serious commitment from the young people, I really want to see that in our generation. I mean we are a group of random people that they didn’t even know, they came to work with us, cook with us, take us to the market, pray for us, wash our feet and everything! That& rsquo;s servant hearts for you! They even go to the state hospitals every Sunday to heal the sick. Shoh, challenged!
On our free time we went out on the streets and did some “coffee shop” ministry – I loved it! There were a lot of westerners (the first time this year that we were around so many tourist - good on the culture shock side of things!) And the local people are such cuties! Believe it or not, in comparison to the Myan people I am considered as a tall/normal-size person, they’re really tiny! But anyway so we did a lot of hands-on, going out, stepping out and sharing the things that God showed us with others. “Freely you have received, now freely give!”
doing an outreach with Mi-reto
our friends from youth
going scuba diving