What defines a family? Does the term only refer to a collection of people that are united by their similar genes? Is it possible to apply this term to ten people you've known for only four months?
Yes, it is. I used to deem it partially impossible to consider almost-strangers family - now, however, that mindset has shifted.
During our time here in Fusagasuga, Colombia, I really grew to love and care deeply for my team. I am proud to call them my family, since The Lord blessed me with each and every one of them. Instead of having just one brother back home, I now have three brothers and seven sisters in Christ. God came and established bonds between us that could not be broken; bonds that would carry us through the best and worst of times.
We're staying on the New Tribes Missions base here in Fusagasuga, serving where we can by helping to fix up the property. From constructing a tyre pyramid to wiring a fence, the Distant Worlds team does it all! I had the privilege of assisting in a wide assortment of tasks, including:
• Using a weed-eater for the first time
• Wiring a barbed wire fence
• Chopping down bamboos with a machete
• Laying concrete to make a fence around the base
• Digging in clay in order to lay a pipe
• Gardening
• Using a grinder for the first time
• Painting and renovating a house
We have been so blessed by the residents of the base - their knowledge of the Bible truly inspires me to marinate more in the Word of God. We have the most amazing times of fellowship with the students of the institute. It is inspiring that these young people are willing to train for four years in order to go live in an Indian tribe in Colombia. The irony? They think WE are the inspiring people for doing this one-year journey!
I was so challenged when I heard that these people are willing to learn a whole new native language in order to bring a tribe to Christ. They sacrifice their lives to live with these tribes, putting all their energy into building relationships, which lay the foundations for sharing the Gospel. Amazing, isn't it? I then wondered... Would I be willing to do the same if God calls me to do it?
After much prayer and exploration in scripture, I came to the conclusion that yes, I would - I know that I would be able to do it because God would be with me every step of the way!
Colombia has been good for us as a team - we are much closer than we were before, and already we are growing stronger in our unity. I am learning new things about my family members every day, and with each passing minute, God is breaking down the walls of my heart to let my team in. As we are growing closer to each other, so we are growing closer to God - and that is the way of Fellowship!
This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. (1 Corinthians 12:25, 26 NLT)