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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Learning how to be a sheep

Learning how to be a sheep

The speaker crackled as the pilot announced our descent. Nervously, I grabbed Kasia’s hand as we descended into my homeland… South Africa, hello old friend. I was ready to go home, ready to see my family and friends, ready for the next step God prepared for me. I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my team…my family.

We had spent ten months in each other’s company. For the last eight months, I had watched these people grow and mature as the Gardener Himself pruned and fertilized them. They watched me cry, laughed with me, supported me, prayed for me and loved me. They were my family for eight months… and now I had to say goodbye? God, am I ready to be on my own again after being part of a team for so long?

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This was what it was like to be Jesus

This was what it was like to be Jesus

Turning water into wine. Telling fishermen to be his followers. Followed around by spiritually-hungry people, searching for truth. Feeding five thousand people with a little boy's lunch. Setting people free from law and leading them into grace. Yes, that's my Jesus. This same Jesus allowed Distant Worlds to get a taste of what that felt like during our week in the Andes mountains.

It was a dream come true. Rattling, shaking and bumping up zigzag mountain passes to the village of Incahuasi. This was where we would sleep for five nights. We drove for four hours on 100km on a single-lane, dusty, serpentine path. In the Andes Mountains. I almost couldn't believe it.

The mountains were colossal, stretching 3130m into the heavens. My eyes were as wide as saucers as we drove past mountain villages, with hand-sown rice fields and horse-drawn carts. The women wore the most beautiful, colourful, handmade clothes. Not much has changed in these villages from 100 years ago.

We shared bibles with many far-away schools in isolated towns. The average amount of students were 40 in the whole school. It was interesting to note that most of these people had never even left their mountain town. They didn't know about things such as beaches, skyscrapers of drive-thru McDonalds. They knew more about mountain trails than LonelyPlanet and their diet consisted of things they had planted and cultivated themselves. A whole new world. "Lord, what do I say to these children? We come from two different worlds. We don't even speak the same language - they speak Quechua and I only speak primitive Spanish. Holy Spirit, speak through me please..."

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How Much Bread Do You Have?

How Much Bread Do You Have?

In the Bible, bread is more than just food. Bread is fellowship. Bread is dependence. Bread is a body. And bread is life. This multi-faceted source of nourishment played the staring role on the stage of my Luke 10 journey. 

We serve a faithful God. His providence and His love featured in each of the blessings the Yellow Team received. After a reshuffling of the small teams of Distant Worlds, I am now in a team with Luiza, Kasia, Charné and Fred as my leader.

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It's a crazy place to be

It's a crazy place to be

Healing. An event that I used to think only ever happened to other people...not to me. It certainly couldn't happen to me in Gamboa, Panama... Or could it?


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A spine-straightening testimony

A spine-straightening testimony

Since my scoliosis operation in July of 2010, I have been hearing the words "You will never" quite often. "You will never carry more than 10 kilograms at a time"... "You will never be able to walk more than 5 kilometers at once"... "You will never be able to ride a bicycle again"... "You will never be able to do road-running again". 

Physical barriers constructed through medical precautions prevented me from being able to do all the things I wanted to. I valued my doctor's opinion more than my God's opinion.
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6 Days In A Hammock

6 Days In A Hammock
(This is still a blog from the Amazon from March) A blog of pictures from our week on the Amazon River After seven amazing days and incredible times soaking in the Word, we are ready for Colombia!
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Rooftop heart-to-heart with my King

Rooftop heart-to-heart with my King

I grew up thinking God requires acts of service and good works. I thought Christianity was about denying thyself, and that the Gospel was a heavy burden to drag around wherever I went.

I thought God required prayers with an extensive spiritual vocabulary. I thought a prayer was only allowed to be about how great He is - I may never mention my problems to Him or ask Him for anything. And so, that was how I prayed for the first 14 years of my walk with God. 
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An Exchanged Life in Cuba

One month in Cuba... The realization that we would be in a communist country for a month dawned on me like a cold shower on a winter's morning. To be perfectly honest, I had a multitude of preconceived ideas before coming to Cuba. Prejudices birthed out of ignorance and lack of knowledge. Biases that could turn one month in a foreign country into a month of turmoil and negativity. 

In the beginning, I thought I had Cuba all figured out. It's a communist country, so of course everyone would be morbid and depressed. I was so wrong. So very very wrong. 
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Spring-cleaning the attic of my memory

Spring-cleaning the attic of my memory
When you give your life to Christ and submit your past to God, you enter into an agreement with the Almighty. It is a compromise in which He will remove all parts of your being that is not aligned with His will. Your role in the agreement is to submit to Him and have faith in Him. Pretty good deal, right?
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Immortal until my Father takes me home

Immortal until my Father takes me home

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in a realm similar to our own. 

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