I am on an Island called Zanzibar which is about 2 hours from mainland Tanzania by ferry. It's beautiful beaches and people are like stories only told in semi-fiction books, if there is such a thing as semi-fiction.
Truth be told that the world we are living in is full of half-truths. After sitting in sessions on Islam and meeting believers of islamic backgrounds, I am more than sure the god of the Qu'ran and the God of the Bible are not the same at all. How in the past I thought we served the same God is sheer ignorance I can not even begin to explain. It was unfounded, baseless and untrue.
The God we serve is the Father who sent his one and only begotten son. This is the God who says go and pays your bills. He is God of wonders who protects you when you are in the middle of unbelievers and turns you invisible. He is God who promises and delivers. The one who is providing for all my
needs as I go.
I could have not made it on my own had it not been by Him coming to my aid. I will not make it if He wont be by my side.
Please keep me in your prayers for obedience and to keep deep in His Word.