Hey all the wonderful people at home. Hope that everything has been well on that side. This side it has been tough but what an adventure!!
Our trip started with us flying from Joburg airport to Cairo, having a 18h lay over there and then flying to Mumbai. Cairo was fun as Egypt Air booked as into a larney hotel where we had 3 buffet meals for the day and Stoffel and I could go site see abit in the markets. Traffic is a mess to say the least and being an Islamic country, it always felt kind of gloomy... it might also just be the whole dessert thing!!
In Mumbai we visited pastor Matthew at his orphanage and spent most of the day there. Then we took a 30h train trip to Delhi. Loved the food that you could buy at the stations and drinking Chai (an Indian type of tea). The toilets are a mess as they don't use toilet paper and apart from that, its just vile. I prayed that I didn't have to nr 2 on the train... God was faithful!!
In Delhi we are stayng and serving at the Emmanual Home Orphanage in Dwarka. There is about 90 kids there. They have prayer and worship 3 times a day, the first one being at 5 am. Its early, but I'm getting into the routine. We have been doing a lot of work around the buildings up to now as the children are writing exams and need to study, that means not a lot of play time. From next week, we will be able to spend some more time with them. The food (rice, dall and chopattis) is good. Every now and then someone goes to town, then everyone puts in their orders for sweets and cold drinks.
We watched a DVD of Rob Bell the other day, really good. He spoke about a lot of things, but the one thing that stuck was to be on the mountain. When God called Moses onto the mountain, he said climb up the mountain and be on the mountain, meaning don' t think of how you are going to get down, but take in what is around you while you are there. Be in His presence.
I had to adjust that in my life, because India is just worlds apart from the culture and lifestyle that we are used to and I find myself already thinking about going to Thailand instead of taking in what I am experiencing here and what God wants to teach me here. Its been tough, but hey, getting shaped and sculpted into His image was never going to be easy.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I really appreciate it.
Much love
De Necker