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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God of detail

Being part of a Global Challenge team on the road is such a different experience when you are just visiting than being one of the actual team members.  I have to start from scratch to get to know the guys when they are well aware of eachother’s virtues and vices.  They are a bit tired and in need of some rest and I come to them with a tremendous amount of excitement and energy.  They are familiar with noodles and oats every day and I am not anymore… for obvious reasons.  A challenge indeed. My focus is on the team...
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1638 Hits

Greeting the old and embracing the new!

It’s hard to put all the emotions I feel into words.  After 2 years of travelling with Global Challenge Expeditions, seeing the most amazing views, meeting the most amazing people, getting to know myself and seeing and feeling God at work… I am back home. The past month or so I have had all these feelings of elation to be back in the country I love with the people I love, but then I also experience the longing for the open road, adventure, the thrill of the unknown, the joys of living as a part of a tight-knit brotherhood and...
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1453 Hits

Infinitely more

I am currently sitting on my hostel bed in the middle of Cairo.  This is the last night of my 2011 journey and I have a lot of mixed emotions.  On the one hand I am so excited to go back home, not only for the familiar faces and mom’s cooking, but also to see what God would have me do in the next season of my life.  On the other hand (Darren) I am saddened by the thought of having to leave the constant companionship of my team members, team mates… brothers! This year has been a rollercoaster ride...
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1237 Hits

An agricultural lesson!

An agricultural lesson!
The work Your way team was yet again very privileged this year to visit Australia and more specifically, Mountain Trails Adventure School (MT) just outside the capital city of Canberra.  It was great seeing some familiar faces at MT, but also to make new friends and build relationships with more of God’s beautiful people.  We spent just over two months at this spectacular facility where the Australian youth have the opportunity to experience the great outdoors through hiking in the hills, horse treks, caving (the great indoors?), dirt bikes, archery and most importantly, hear the Good News.  Caving and Absailing...
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1155 Hits

God speaks

Seeing that I haven’t posted as many blogs as I would have loved to, I thought I’d give you this praise report to give thanks for all your faithful prayers, to inspire you to keep praying, to tell you that our God is alive and faithful and to give all the honour and glory to Him. On Saturday morning, the team and I drove into Auckland city to meet up with AJ and his crew.  Our expectations were high, but nothing could prepare us for what was ahead. We split into smaller groups for some prayer walking.  As we walked...
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1944 Hits

Being in the way of God's plans

Most of you guys following my journey by reading my blogs would know of our blog challenge that we had during the month of May. Our daily blogs could give you a glimpse of what we go through on a daily basis. This blog is about my time in Malaysia and Thailand. It is however not about the daily activities as you have already seen most of that. This blog is about what God personally taught me through all these experiences. We spent our last few days in Phuket with Tobi and his family. One of the days Tobi shared...
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1323 Hits


Dawid was so right in the beginning of training when he said, “I hate India.  I love India.  I will never go back there.  If someone gives me a ticket today, I’ll be on that flight tomorrow.”  India is a country of contrasts and because you never know which slice of the pie you might get, a place where Global Challengers meet God and meet themselves. As I travelled to India with the team, I had this sinking feeling.  That feeling of, you know what’s coming, you do not want it, but you can’t avoid it.  Probably what Jesus felt...
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1919 Hits

Guatemala - the truth will set you free!

Guatemala - the truth will set you free!
Being the leader of a group of missionaries would never be an easy task, and the group of young men that God picked out for me to lead was no exception.  There were and are many hurdles that I have to overcome.  Take for instance that my team consists of six exuberant and lively 18 and 19 year olds.  I really do enjoy time with them. The age gap makes it hard sometimes to relate, but luckily we have our Lord in common.  He grants wisdom to those who obey. Then there is the fact that the last time I...
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1272 Hits

Crossing Jordan

I love the Word and how it is alive and living!  Many times in my life have I read Old Testament scriptures… and it was boring.  That was because I read them without the understanding that comes from living in the Spirit.  Then it becomes alive, exciting and applicable. We often do not understand God’s plans for our lives and it frustrates us because we do not see or do not even know of the bigger picture.  This is exactly what happened to the Israelites when they were in the Wilderness for 40 long years.  They were glad to not...
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2018 Hits

Different year, different team, same God!

Super Rugby, World Cup Cricket, Super Rugby, World Cup Cricket?  In the midst of my excitement and inability to choose, it struck me that if we have arrived at this wonderful weekend, then training for GCEX 2011 is 5 weeks old which leaves us with only 2 more before we embark on another life changing journey.  It is then also time to give you my first update for this year. The work Your way team are made up of a bunch of young men from all over South Africa this year.  Most have just finished school and I have the...
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