Just recently i have found new encouragement through my brothers story of his life changing experience with God.
And i can say truthfully that i really needed this. I feel revived.
At the very beginning of the year i knew that things back home was not at the place God intents it to be and i quickly realized the reality of it all when i visited home after 2 months of training, just before departing on the year long journey at the beginning of March.
The situation back home was like this; relationships where not quite ok as anger and disappointment in failure of trust was broken.
Earlier the year in training, talking to one of the leaders about what is happening back home. I was told/comforted that a year like this is good for a family as well- those who stay behind-, because not only will your life be changed, but in the spirit things back home take a turn for the better as there is space for new growth.
I remember praying over my family on our 2 days prophesying over the school children.
We are a family of six, two amazing parents and four kids,
My eldest brother, then my sister and again another brother before me.
This brother justbefore me was not living at home as he was busy serving in the Royal Marines. Life as a marine changed and exposed him to some brutal things in life and definitely had an influence in the way he lived - not so much for the better. I can tell you how that effected the family but i will not focus on the past as it is overcome.
Any case, praying for my family - especially my brother - and asking God to come and change the situation. I didn't think the prayer would be so powerful. You see praying is declaring our dependence on God and showing our faith.
I also remember being on the airport at Indonesia on our way to Philippines and receiving 'not so good news' from home, about my brother. I remember feeling confused and my mind trying to figure things out as my heart filled with pain and tears in my eyes. BUT this one thing remained- Hope in the Glory of God and that was the power of prayer. And knowing that my God is faithful i refused to be discouraged and kept praying. Although it hurt to think about it.
The kingdom of God is here, in us, and in the kingdom of God there is no sadness and there is no captives of darkness.
And when God answers a prayer. You know it. You want to rejoice in it. You cant contain what He did and what He is busy doing.
I just had the BEST Skype call all year. I keep replaying moments in my head.
I talked to my brother.
A new man, baptized; washed clean; made pure and ready to be a living sacrifice for God.
Found and established in the Love of
Christ Jesus. - there is no sweeter name.
Prayer = continuous.
Eph 6:10-24