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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Inspired by surroundings

Airports, a place where kids run around at arrivals, a place of warm embrace, sad goodbyes and people working to keep it clean and ordered. (Let this represent the earth and our every day lives.)   In between you might find, what we like to call, a Global Challenge team. A group of young people taking over a deserted part of the airport - usually a corner, close to a bathroom and drinking fountain - to call home for a couple of days. (See this as taking that interesting year journey)    Personally, I love it.  Airports have so much...
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I could not keep it in.

Just recently i have found new encouragement through my brothers story of his life changing experience with God.    And i can say truthfully that i really needed this.  I feel revived.    At the very beginning of the year i knew that things back home was not at the place God intents it to be and i quickly realized the reality of it all when i visited home after 2 months of  training, just before departing on the year long journey at the beginning of March.    The situation back home was like this; relationships where not quite ok...
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its out there

After a week of having an truly amazing time in Hong Kong, I can't wait to see what is next. my comfort zone has only become an oasis in my life. There is just too much adventure out in the world. To much God wants us to do. To little time to ponder on if we should or not. To many people we can meet. By love we have been given a choice. Will you allow this wonderful, wild love to come and overtake your life and show you the greatness of the Fathers plan in life. I've felt in...
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Love keeps us up

I love growing closer to my father this year and truly see his amazing love. There is no sweeter name then that of Jesus. The love he gives is beyond compare and set fire to your heart and spreads like wild fire supping from the main source if the father heart. something that truly girpped me on the journey so far is how easy it is to love and care for people who share the same spirit. The unity that forms between Gods children is unique. An instant conecction is made and understanding, exitment and love is shared. Fellowship.   ...
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