By Elzet Saunders on Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Category: Elzet Saunders

The Royal Family

Of course being in London you see a lot of the royal family. Deep down most people want to be part of the royal family. You maybe dream of marrying prince William and to follow in the footsteps of princess Diana. With so much authority and money at your disposal you can change the world. Maybe you dream about being the king and to rule the country. It could be great - everyone looking up to and wishing they could be just like you.

I wondered about the royal family and their responsibilities and most of all their hearts. Being royal you have more authority than the normal citizen and with more resources at your disposal you can do great things. If there is people that can actually change, or at least have a big impact, on the country and the world, why is there still so many people living in poverty and also so many people living in wealth?

A long time ago the queen's house looked out over a very poor area. Poverty in that area was very bad. Being the queen I'm sure that she could've done something about the poverty. She did. She planted trees so that the trees would block her view from the poverty. Yes, she is the queen and she could've made an effort to relieve the poverty...but she planted trees.

After spending a couple of weeks in London and thinking about the royal family a lot, I realised that we are also part of the royal family. Not the royal family of England. The royal family of our King Jesus Christ. We don't need to have a lot of money, to live in a palace or te born or married into a certain family to be royal. We just have to accept the true King into our lives.

We are all princes and princesses in kingdom of God. We don't deserve to be called a prince or princess in God's kingdom, but only by God's love and grace can we take our place as children of God. In 1 John 3:1 it is written:

How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us,

that we should be called children of God!

If the King is your Father, you are His child, and that makes you a prince or a princess.

We are part of a royal family and you have responsibilities. In our royal family nothing is impossible, all you need is faith and prayer. You don't need to have money. All things can  be changed through prayer. We have the secret and powerful weapon of prayer and faith, but do we use it to the full? Do we change the world through prayer? Do we even pray for the world?

Just as I felt that the royal family could do more to make a difference in the country, we too, as the family of Jesus Christ, can do more to make a difference in not just England, but the world. We need to take the authority that Jesus Christ gave us, and make a difference in this world. We have to stand together as one family, God's royal family, and take a stand against the power of the enemy.

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions

and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will

harm you."

                                                                                                                   Luke 10:19

God's promise is that nothing will harm you. Why are we still not doing all that we can to fight against the enemy? Why are we still too afraid?


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