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The majestic Thai


By Elzet Saunders - Thailand

White sandy beaches, palms trees, coconuts, bright blue water...the perfect setting for a fairytale. Or just a day on the beach in Thailand...

From the moment we arrived in Thailand we were awestruck with the beautiful nature. From lush, green bushes to white sandy beaches and palm trees. Just another little thing in God's creation.

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Mysterious Morocco

Small and crooked streets path open the ways in the Medina, a true Moroccan old city. Behind every corner lies a new alley to explore and a new adventure that awaits. The streets are lined with colourful objects, food stalls billow with smoke and a new smell that urges you to taste the traditional food. The streets are filled with laughing children, running around and playing games. Behind you there's someone shouting pardon! and the next moment you are almost face to face with a donkey pulling a cart through the narrow streets. From all around you there are friendly people...
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Who am I?


Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt...

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From dusty towns to snowy mountain tops

dsc01306.jpgFrom noodles to chopsticks, from "squatters" to cold showers, from dusty towns to snowy mountain tops...they all form part of the experience of a lifetime.








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We often hear and use these words: "The world is a small place." But just how small is it? Small enough for all of us to understand the same language? Definitely. Even though you may need the help of Google here and there! I had the most amazing experience during a bible study gathering. We were seven Afrikaans girls and four Spanish guys. We had a bible study theme to work through and to discuss. One problem: they don't speak much English and we don't speak much Spanish. After a few minutes of trying to translate and to understand what...
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The Royal Family

Of course being in London you see a lot of the royal family. Deep down most people want to be part of the royal family. You maybe dream of marrying prince William and to follow in the footsteps of princess Diana. With so much authority and money at your disposal you can change the world. Maybe you dream about being the king and to rule the country. It could be great - everyone looking up to and wishing they could be just like you. I wondered about the royal family and their responsibilities and most of all their hearts. Being...
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London - Trial or blessing?

After spending 4 weeks in London I have to ask myself: "Was the London experience a trial or a blessing?" To be honest, I still don't know the answer. I do know that London was a challenge on more than one level: spiritually and emotionally.  We arrived early on a cold and wet Friday morning (nothing new for England!) and headed to the SA Congregation's Festival grounds. After pitching our tents we made a team effort and soon pitched all the tents that was needed for the festival. After spending the very wet and stormy night in the tent, we were...
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A little thing called grace

Guatemala - the most difficult country, but also the greatest experience ever! As we were preparing to depart for Guatemala, we knew that there was a hard time lying ahead of ultimate challenge waiting for us. We didn't know what to expect on a spiritual level but we knew that we it was going to be a busy schedule with a combination of hard physical work and a lot of teachings at night. We were prepared for a lack of sleep, but not for what actually happened.   As our time in Guatemala started a lot of us were affected...
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African Luke 10

  Explore Africa: Luke 10 Excitement filled the air as our leaders announced: " A Luke 10 journey from Dakar in Senegal to Bamako in Mali." Preparations began as we studied Luke 10 in the Bible. By the time we were ready to depart from our leaders and Dakar, we had the same mission imprinted on our hearts and minds as the disciples had in Luke 10: to heal the sick and spread the Word of God. From our first bus ride to Tambacounda we experienced God working as He sent our woman of peace on the same bus. We...
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Wonderful Moments in Masaiti, Zambia

 (7 Feb 2008)

Green bushes, tall trees, a river flowing nearby, peaceful atmosphere, showers by candlelight, loving and caring people and a loud group of young people…that’s Masaiti Farming Institute at this moment!

We arrived at Masaiti Farming Institute, Zambia, on the 24th of January 2008. Immediately I fell in love with the natural beauty (the greenest trees I’ve ever seen!), the wonderful people and God’s powerful presence and love.

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