I am going to miss this place, Thailand was so much fun and so beautiful, but also the hottest place ever.
Thailand is the hottest place I have ever been in. The sun took all his best shots at us while we were working in the garden of the community centre, but is was not the sun that made it some times unbearable, the humidity is so high! it sometimes feels as if a pipe is leaking on top of me of all the sweat.
Every day it seems like it is going to rain, and our friend Christopher that grew up in the Kalahari gave a rain forecast everyday. For us coming from arrid dry areas of South Africa so many clouds can only mean rain but here it is a daily wether. But the last week it did start to rain every day. Don't think that the rain cools things off, no, just a few minutes later you are sweating the same as before.
The weather didn't get us down, and it definately didn't stop us from having fun. We made a few random home videos that we are still busy editing and thinking
of putting up on our blog, but the thing is: it is so random that the rest of the world might think we are a bit crazy. Even we wonder if the sun didn't shine to long on our heads. But we enjoyed it alot, so maybe if we get enough guts together you may be able to see it on our blogs... maybe.
Yesterday we went to a tsunami memorial monument of all the people that died in the tsunami in this area and we also saw big ships that's been brought deep inland with the tsunami.
Opas, the man that works at the community centre ( his name is "Opas" ) told us his testimony of how he was a Buddhist before the tsunami and, when he saw no way out, he asked God in the tsunami that if He is the real God, He must please save him and his family and then how God saved them miraculously.
He also mentioned an interresting thing, he said that alot of people became Christians after the tsunami.
It just made me think of how God uses diffirent ways to get to his people, even very bad things.
Today is our last day here, and I am a bit sad. Tommorow morning we are off to the bus station to get on a 12 hour bus drive back to Bangkok.
I am going to miss this place...