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Russian village

Russia is a beautiful place, especially in the countryside, people still live very simple (due to poverty), each one has their own small garden for vegetables and a cow or two for milk (and every cow has a name, no more than 2 cows) milked every night and a long drop toilets and wood houses and horse carts etc. It's beautiful. They bath every three days in a sonna type of thing called a Banja The sun sets only 11 o'clock in the evening in Russia and then come back five o'clock in the morning, it is effectively only 4...
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Reading the Bible in a mosque to a Muslim

By the Grace of God I had the opportunity today to read out of the Bible (John 14) in a Muslim mosque to the imam. We had some discussions about Jesus and about what the Muslims believe and what us Christians believe. As some of you know there are a lot of similarities between the Islam and the Christian faith. The word ‘Muslim’ actually means “submitted to God” (the same God of Adam, Noah, Moses, David, etc.) The biggest difference between us is that they don’t believe in the Holy Trinity of God and that the only way they can...
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Being a leader

Okay so a long time have passed since I have send any letter, things have been a little bit rough for me as a leader the last month or so. I knew it’s going to be difficult and tough leading a team but this is a new kind of tough.

It’s tough spiritually and emotionally, it kind of crept in unnoticed, very subtle at first.

Then suddenly boom!

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And suddenly I am here

So about a week and a half ago my plans were still to go to CPX and my mind was made up. All my supporters new about my plans and everything were set up. Then Anna-Marie phoned me and asked me if I would consider leading work your way this year. I told her, in a almost arrogant way, that Anthony already asked me a month ago and that I already said no to him because my mind is pretty much made up for CPX, but I will still pray about it just to make sure. I don’t know what...
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Red team Luke 10

Red team Luke 10
Our Luke 10 expedition began on 23 August 2011 from Lisbon, Portugal. The red team consisted of Frikkie de Beer, Carmen Ann Lombard, Christopher Griesel, Nelmari Smit and then there was a new member only for Luke 10, named Samuel Vogel. Samuel's parents are missionaries form Switzerland in Portugal, Mem Martiens where we served for three weeks before Luke 10. Our team prayed and asked God where He wants to send us for Luke 10. There were several words and pictures that came up in our prayers, but we didn’t get a specific place where God wanted to send us....
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India project

The WORK YOUR WAY team is at the moment in the south of India at an orphanage shearing the love of Christ to the kids.

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We are freezing in Tibet!!! It is snowing!!! My fingers cant mmovve aannnyyy mmmore Mmmmust ffffind ffffire dgawrufagfiuew........... B b b blessings
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WYW talking on Canada radio station

Our team is talking in a interview on thursday on a Canada radio station. Thursday 26 April @ 8:10am (2:10pm in South Africa) on UCB Belleville a local magazine is also interviewing us on wednesday 25th
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I don't believe in sin

I don’t believe in sin

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A short blog from Tibet

What a place to be! I love Tibet!
I was standing at a budhist tempel gate this afternoon, looking at them crawling on their stomachs for budda (as part of a prayer ritual). My heart goes out to these people, if they could only know the truth.
Next to me in the internet cafe is a lady singing like an angel, so beautiful. I can't help thinking how beautiful she can sound if she was singing worship songs to the Lord.

Facebook is illegal in China so I am just letting you know how things are going through this short blog


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