This past week in Peru has been one of discipleship. It was not discipleship of Peruvian people, but rather Peruvian people discipling me.
During our time here so far, we have had the opportunity to go into various schools and universities and preform dramas that explain different aspects of the gospel. Following the drama, we then have been able to share the gospel story with the people! Then, we handed out hundreds and hundreds of Bibles to kids, professors and parents. It was a miracle we were able to get into these schools and speak to the people about Jesus Christ! So many of the children had never heard of God before and received their first New Testament from us! The coolest thing about the whole process was the so many kids committed their lives to
the Lord!
Through this whole experience, we had a local pastor that we were working alongside. I don’t think that I could put into words what this man is like. He is truly a man of God and a giant in God’s kingdom of Chiclayo, Peru. Each place we went, He used the authority that God had given Him and walked in the confidence of his identity in Christ. Each taxi cab we got into, each school that we entered, and numerous people we met on the street, this man would take the time to build some kind of relationship with. He would listen to them and their story and their needs and then He would step out in faith and told people about Jesus Christ. I can’t tell you how many people received Christ this week because of the boldness of this man! Incredible.
As I walked with him this week, I was reminded of what one of the missionaries in Colombia had talked with me about, the power of
relationship. It was something that we see Jesus doing throughout His ministry. He listened to the people, met them where they were at in their life and introduced them to Father God (who is the only one that can meet their need). This is exactly what this pastor has been doing all week. Because of His faith and because of His obedience I have been blessed, discipled, and I have grown this week. Although I don’t speak the same language as this man and unfortunately I haven’t been able to have too many conversations with him because of the language barrier, his actions have impacted me and changed me for life.
The people in Peru are hungry for God. It seems like if you were to tell anyone you passed on the street about Jesus Christ, testified about what He has done in your life and asked them if they want Him to be in their life that they would more than likely give their lives over to the Lord. They are a people that are searching and (as I have seen this week) I could be the person that could tell them what they are looking for if I am willing to take a risk, listen, speak in love, and share truth.