The time we have left here in Brazil is allready coming to the end! Which seems crazy. I have been amazed at how quickly a place very different to NZ home can really become home. The extremely welcoming nature of the people here definitely helps. I think in the past three weeks I have hugged more people than in my enture life up till then! As well as how giving and generous they are, which I have realised after our whole team has been fed feasts on many occassions.
A quick run down on what we have down in the past three weeks is:
- Being involved in various Agape church services through perfroming the dance, dramas and helping with games.
- Spending time at a Mens drug rehab centre, sharing Gods word and spending time having fun
with the guys there.
- A morning at a local school in Ubatuba where we organised some games and songs, performaed a Drama and shared testimonies. It was amazing to see God move that morning, with the children starting off relatively uninterested and distracted to many of them being deeply impacted by what was shared. And such a blessing to see 30+ children invite Jesus into their hearts. From this it is exciting to be able to see them coming along to youth services and spend time hanging out with them.
Most of the time here has been used to build relationships and disciple girls from the church. It was great to realise that we can sit down with people that do not even speak the same language as us but have a bible study be so encouraged by each other. As well as seeing how they are really hungry and have a love to undersand more of Gods word. I have been challenged by Psalm 119, which speaks of how the writer has such a love for the word and thinking through what that looks like in my life.
Another thing I have been challenged on and learnt while here in Brazil is how much spending quiet time with God is important and also such a blessing. A couple of times I have organised to meet up with some girls, but then they didnt show up. I was excited to get to know the girls more and to share what God had put in my heart for them, so left abut dissappointed. But I realised how much God is wanting to do the same, He is pursuing us in the same way- to meet with us so we can grow in realtionship with Him. He really has so much to share with us. Also the reminder that He will always be thee waiting for when we come, even if we have missed some appointments or are running late. So I would encourage you to be there for the appointments God has with you, to be ready and expecting to hear from Him becasue He really does have so much for us!
As we head away from Brazil and further north to Colombia, you can join us in praying God would continue working mightily in the lives of people we have met here and that we would arrive safe and with prepared hearts, minds and bodies for the work God has for us at the next stop.
Hello Helen, My name is Jessica, I am a student of the school where you visited, and I was one of many who have accepted Jesus today, live happier, We thank you heart all you did for me, my friends. Again thank you, hope you take God possão many places. I count on you next year, Ubatuba and Brazil are always waiting for you. May God support and kisses each one of you in this beautiful work.
Helen! Great to hear about everything you did. I know that God worked in amazing ways and I look forward to hearing even more cool testimonies. Enjoy the journey to Colombia.
Blessings for the next stage.
Hi Helen,
It is great to hear how you are getting on in Brazil, we take all your emails and read them out in church and pray for you and your team.
Ann and Alan Moffat