Going through this year I have rarely been on farms. Now, farms are where my heart lies and where I belong. Before we went to Australia I was longing for the farm life. My whole being was longing for the mud, dirt tracks, tractors, bikes and the outdoors. Little was I expecting the treat God would provide for me…
We worked on an outdoor adventure school where there was caving, abseiling, high ropes, horses and of course dirt bikes!!! We had a basic training in all of these ‘courses’ so that we were able to help with upcoming camps. I did everything but my heart was set on one activity… dirt bikes. I have always been a huge fan of bikes. I even owned a few (indirectly, it was my Dad’s). Bikes were my talent and I mostly worked with the bikes. I was learning on how to fix the basic stuff and helping young men and women to get on their own two wheels.
When the time came for me to be one of the leaders on the bike camp, I knew I was ready and that I had I great responsibility towards them. God didn’t just put me on this camp to have fun, but to learn and spread His Word even more. I wanted to make such a huge difference in these young people’s lives. I knew that God had divine appointments for me and these youngsters. Caleb, Davo, Jess and I spent a lot preparing for this camp. We prayed and prayed, and allowed God to work through us.
As the camp started I thought that all these youngsters would change because we were planning huge things and expecting even bigger things from God. It never crossed my mind that I would change. As with any camp, we had a couple of difficulties and my spirit went down. It was set on my heart to speak to these young men and I gave them a small part of my testimony. We encouraged these young men to stand up and be the kings, the leaders God intended for them to be. They all seemed a bit quiet and offended.
I felt like I did the wrong thing…
The next day these warriors came out of their bungalows. They were changed overnight. It was then that I realized how powerful our God truly is. These young men might not have realized it as much as everybody else but the people were blown away by what God did to these men. They’ll probably never know the impact that had on us but it just made us realize nothing is impossible for our incredible God.
God blessed us so much on this camp because we honoured Him. We never had a serious crash. We had a couple of hilarious crashes. We had an awesome God filled four days. I made a bunch of friends that I will remember for as long as I live. God impacted my live there telling me that we all can learn a couple of things more.
May God teach you in the most unexpected ways and that you will realize we are never too old to learn something new. That you will learn to appreciate the wonders of His glorious works!