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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Our most basic need: Agape love.

Our most basic need: Agape love.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” – 1 John 3:1a.  In my primary, as well as high school, we had to study the general needs of people in Life Orientation. We would be presented two columns, on the one side the heading would read “Needs”, and the other column would read “Wants”. So every year the teacher would draw the two columns on the black board, and we would put up our hands to help her fill in each column. I guess I remember this tradition so...
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Dirt bike crusades!!!

Going through this year I have rarely been on farms. Now, farms are where my heart lies and where I belong. Before we went to Australia I was longing for the farm life. My whole being was longing for the mud, dirt tracks, tractors, bikes and the outdoors. Little was I expecting the treat God would provide for me… We worked on an outdoor adventure school where there was caving, abseiling, high ropes, horses and of course dirt bikes!!! We had a basic training in all of these ‘courses’ so that we were able to help with upcoming camps. I...
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A blessed season: Drawing closer to Jesus.

So when you actually see the screen in front of you, all the revelations, wisdom, God has lent to you seems to transpire the words that flow through your mind. To try and put words to the Truths that God has shown me leaves me now with the feeling that I really should have written a blog long ago.  Thank You Lord, that that is the case. That you have done so much for me, have shown Yourself to me in so many ways, that explaining it leaves me without words. If you are reading this, and wondering: “Why did...
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Street Evangelism

Street Evangelism In my time I have spent in New Zealand, I have had a awesome opportunity to live with people who live out their passion for Christ in their everyday life. Finding an irreversible passion for Christ to be glorified in my life this year, it was brilliant to have their examples. I have found though, that sometimes they have a struggle and want to have more of the Holy Spirit and God’s presence in their everyday lives. God has given me this revelation in my time here. We have been involved in street evangelism for three Saturday’s in...
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